Chapter 12: dallas brook's pov

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We were both back at school now, we were eating lunch with the rest of the gang and i realized they all started looking at her funny. "hey , why y'all staring at ocean eyes like that" i asked using the nickname we sometimes use because her eyes are bright blue. "Because her eyes arn't bue" two-bit said his southern accent coming out, as it usually did when he was surprised. "What do you mean her eyes aren't bl-whoa" i said looking up and into her eyes. They weren't blue, they were gold! "What! Whats wrong" ares asked alarmed. "Put these on, we are visiting your uncle" i said handing her a pair of sunglasses. The news got ahold of the fact that ares was captain Americas daughter and the niece of the avengers and the justice league. She put the sunglasses on, completely confused. I took her arm and we went to her uncle stark where he was signing out of the building,He talked to the school today. "Short stuff! Hey what ya doing hear" he said bending down. I took the sunglasses off her face. "Whoa" stark said eyes wide. "What is going on!" she exclaimed. "You haven't shown her yet?!?!" he exclaimed in my direction. "I didn't want her to freak out" i said definceive. "Show me what?!?!?!? You guys have two seconds to explain before i call my dad and he can explain what's going on!!" ares exclaimed, getting mad. I pulled a mirror out of my bag and showed her. She opened her mouth and took a breath to scream, but tony clamped his hand over her mouth. "Shhh,shhh, it's ok short stuff, banner can figure this out ok" tony said unclasping her mouth and putting his sunglasses on her face. Ares nodded unable to speak.  

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