Chapter 19: ares roger's pov

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I was sitting in the hallway of the hospital outside of dallas's room when a cute teenager kneeled in front of me and leaned close to my ear. I tensed up. "I didn't forget dallas" he whispered in my ear. My eyes widened and i threw myself around his neck in a hug. "Thank you so much" i breathed. "Your welcome, im peter parker" he said looking into my eyes. "Ares rogers" i said holding my hand out. "Captain america's daughter?" he said shaking my hand, i nodded. "Mister stark told me to come take you back to the compound, don't worry about dallas they are transferring him to the compound" he said standing up, i followed him. Once we were at the compound I saw Wanda comforting scarlett-wait scarlett. "Skarlet (scarlett)?" i called running to her wheelchair as she enveloped me in a hug when i got there. "Ary (ares)" she breathed. I smiled than heard a huge -CRASHHHHHHHHH- and than someone screaming in russian. I heard Scarlett wince in pain and I knew that the person who was screaming thoughts were hurting her. "Who's screaming" i asked walking towards the door where i heard the noise. "Bucky's kid arctic, i wouldn't go near her, she was raised in hydra as a second winter soldier" widow said ruffling my hair. "Uncle bucky has a kid?!?!!!!" i exclaimed. "Well she's basically my clone" bucky said from behind me. "She is not!" i said, in disbelief. "Wanna go see" he said pointing to the infirmary. I walked in where a young girl with a metal arm was screaming russian threats at dr banner. "ne trogay menya! YA svernu tebe sheyu, yesli ty podoydesh' khotya by ko mne s etoy shtukoy!! (don't touch me! i will snap your neck if you come even close to me with that thing!!)" she screamed in russian. "uspokoysya, on pytayetsya tebe pomoch' (calm down, he's trying to help you)" i said putting my hand up peacefully. "Who are you!" she demanded in english with a thick russian accent. "Ares" i said than leaned towards bucky,"Your right, she is basically your clone". "What did you say!" she said propelling forward, then got stopped by bucky's metal arm, she tried to fight it. He held her back. "Arctic, arctic, come on, arctic" he said as she struggled against his arm. She growled then took a deep breath. Then she flipped over his hand and started towards me, i lifted my hands so she could see the arc of golden energy. "I could blow a hole though you with a flick of the wrist, no one is ever gonna torcher me again, do you want to end up in the morgue or do you wanna stand down '' I snarled, suddenly defensive. She smiled. "I like you, feisty" she said and walked away. I sighed at the soft,pitiful look in there eyes. I walked off in search of dallas. "Aunt wanda do you know where dallas is, aunt Wanda? Uncle vision where is aunt Wanda?" I asked. "She left the building quite sometime ago ares, why what do you need, could I be of assistance?" The android answered. "Where's dallas?" "He hasn't arrived yet?" Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? He's not here! "Where is he!" I demanded. "Calm down, I don't know where he is" the android answered as wanda came crashing though the wall. "Uahhhh" she groaned. "Aunt wanda?!" I said rushing to her side but vision beat me. I ran out of the wanda sized hole in the wall. I saw someone with a gun to a weak Dallas's head. WHY WAS HE ALWAYS BEING TARGETED!!! "Step away from him!" I yelled. The guy pressed the gun into his timple, dallas drew a shaky breath. "Are you deaf! I said let him go!" I yelled. I saw a flash of metal come up next to me. "You heard her! Let him go" a thick russian accent said from beside me. "Hello arctic soldier" the man said. "Cut the pleasantries, LET HIM GO!" I screamed. I heard wheels squeak and a fermlaerl laugh and I saw Scarlett on the other side of me and damian on the other side of arctic. I heard the gun cock. "Ok that's it, guys....give him all you got!" I said and we charged and wheeled. Arctic yelled and jumped and the guy pointed the gun at her as I blasted it out of his hand. "You know this might be a bad idea because I'm pretty sure those guys coming up behind him are with hi-WHOA!!" Damian said, trying to hold on the arctic's arm as she swung it to give him some leverage. He caught on and flipped onto the guy. "Pesky little kid, what are you a Ninja?" He said, trying to get him off. "No" Damian looked right at me. "I'm robin" he used the handle of his backup knife to knock him out. "I gave you that nickname" I said shoving dallas towards the wanda-sized hole in the wall. "Go" I said as I pointed. He nodded and went. The four of us turned to the forming army in front of us. "Damian.." "I know, you ready" "born, artic, translate to scarlett, let's kick some butt" arctic quickly translated what we had said in three different languages until she figured out Scarlett spoke russian, then quickly translated in russian. Scarlett nodded and clicked a button on her chair that turned Into a leg brace pair and she stood up. "Gotovy" she said, Damian looked like she just spoke some alien language. "She said she's ready" me and arctic said at the same time. A voice spoke up inside all of our heads. "Are we going to just sit around and talk or are we gonna fight the ever impending death" *scarlett* we all thought in unison. I scanned the nearing crowd of enemies, I cocked my head then smiled. "Go for the one in the middle" I said, quickly thinking this to scarlett. We all charged and started to attack the middle guy. He threw damian half way across the field. "DAMIAN!" I screamed, oh now he's done it, no one chucks my cousin halfway across a field and gets away with it. I looked dead into the guy's eyes. My hands extended and I knocked him back and out. "No one chucks my cousin across a field and gets away with it" I said as arctic picked the guy up and took him inside. I darted to Damain's side. "Hey,hey! Damian! Wake up! WAKE UP! DAMIAN!" i shook him hard. Oh come on, damian wake up! In a red flash i was in my uncle barry's spare room. I stuck my head out the door. "Aunt iris,uncle barry, damian, dallas, anyone?" i called out the door. In a red flash i was at star labs. "Forgot i was taking you to star labs" barry said sitting down in a chair. A wrapped sucker lowered down in front of my face. I grabbed it and looked up. "Hi uncle cisco" i said. He smiled with a sucker in his mouth. "There both gonna be fine, little shaken, little bruised, little broken in dallas's case, but other than that there gonna be just fine" caitlin-dr.snow- said and nodded to the room they where in signalling me to go in there. I smiled and darted in there. Im quite small for my age so i had to drag a chair to get up to the bed. I crawled up, dallas noticed me and raised his arms. I crawled into them, happy to be in his presents, in his arms, my safe haven. Late in the night, i heard cisco yell caitlin's name. I woke up, so did dallas and damian. "Ares?" dallas asked. I turned around and saw dallas disappearing in a cloud of dust. "Dallas?" i said confused. He looked at me worried and then he was gone. "Dallas!" i yelled. "I have no idea what's going on, but uh hel-" daiman said and i turned around to see him gone in a cloud of dust too. "Damain!" i exclaimed. I jumped off the bed and ran to the main part of star labs. "Caitlin. Caitlin!" cisco was in the middle of the spinning dust. "Damian and dallas disappeared too!" i said looking into his sad,hurt,worried eyes. -five years later- they found mom's body right after "the blip" that "dusted" almost everyone i cared about, she was dead. To make things worst dad dropped me off at uncle tony's while him and the rest of the un-dusted team went and figured out how to time travel. Im sitting on the guest bed in the guest room of tony's cabin. Im smiling sadly at a picture of dallas in his evenceness costume when the door creaked open and a adorable five year old walked in. "shouldn't you be in bed, little miss m" i said as i put the photo away and leaned over the bed to morgan's hight. "What where you doing?" she asked. "Thinking" i answered simply. "Where you thinking about juice pops?" she asked. "You are a mind reader, that is exactly what i was thinking about, read my mind again little miss m, what flavor am i thinking about" i asked booping her nose, she giggled. "Strawberry" she said. my favorite flavor, man this kid knows me well, i've only been here a day. "Exactly! Strawberry juice pops, exactly what i was thinking about, lets go" i grabbed her hand a took her downstairs where i grabbed the juice pops and took her back upstairs and sat her on the bed and we ate strawberry juice pops. "Morgan h stark, come on you should be in bed" the blillarnar dad, tony stark said picking morgan up. "Love you lots little miss m" i said laying back in the bed. "Love you 500" she said in return and her and her dad exited the room. 500 huh, that's a lot to a five year old kid. Tony popped his head in a few minutes later. "She loves me 3,000, ha" he said and closed the door, i laughed. I got dallas's picture back out. "I love you 3,000" i said to it, hoping he could hear me. I put the picture away and fell asleep. His voice played in my head as i drifted off. Please be ok dally

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