Chapter 14: bruce banner's pov

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Ares was asleep, i was running tests all night, she slept though most of them. Her dna was drastically changed, i took her blood right before the reactor exploded. The reactor. "I have a conclusion, ares has powers" i said and watch cap's head snap up. "What!?!?" he yelled. "Shh, your gonna wake ares, i believe the reactor explosion released an energy that gave ares powers, she was the closest one to the blast" i explained quietly. Cap sat in his chair and put his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "So your telling me that my five year old has powers because stark's inventio-" he stopped. We heard a shriek come from ares's room. We all ran in to see her looking at her hands in terror and one of my machines had a clear hole straight through it. "I-i-i didn't mean to, i heard yelling and then there was this golden stuff coming out of my hands,i didn't mean to, please don't be mad" ares said bursting into tears. Cap rushed forward and gathered her in his arms. "Shhhh, shh we're not mad my little surprise, it's not your fault" he said trying to console a balling ares while glaring at tony.  

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