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3rd pov

It should come as no surprise that the assassins in the class had at one point tried bombs. They had marked everywhere where there were landmines - they might be trying to kill the teacher, but they do not want to kill each other - and anywhere else they put a bomb, double checking just to make sure they had the correct area before they buried any of them.  It had been months since then, all of the bombs having since been removed or activated by the octopus, so there is no reason for Karma to feel this wary, but something is giving him a bad feeling about this area.

He can't tell what it is, and it's bothering him so much that it's almost coming off him in waves, which is starting to make some of his classmates wary - not of him, they know he would never harm them under circumstances (EX: POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR SOME) unless it's an argument and the octopus makes it into a giant battle **ahemahem** - and they start to look around, wanting to find whatever is annoying Karma so much that he's trying to signal them about. They can tell he himself does not know what it is, but it's got his 6th sense going nuts and they've learned to trust his 6th sense.

All of their 6th sense are pretty accurate, but Karma's is the most so and they trust him completely. He would not pull a prank or trick like this. Korosensei is ahead of them, and it's as he's stepping forward that Karma sees it : a little cord, sticking out of the ground where their teacher had stepped around. It doesn't take long for him to understand, but his body is moving before his mind, seeing Chiba heading right for it. He pushes past the others, who all follow him and look around where he's heading, with Isogai, Sugino and Kimura following right after him as they spot the little antenna. Nagisa is watching them, confused - he trusts Karma, but he's not sure what could get them moving like that and he'd been looking for a person threat, not an anything threat - but he understands soon in a horrifying simple way. A sound. 

It's not horrible loud, but with the way Karma had shoved Chiba aside, everyone had gone quiet and it may as well have been a gun shot for how loud it was in the silence that decided on the small training area they reside in. Karma freezes as soon as he registers the click!, knowing that means even the slightest bit of movement and he'll be blown up. His arms are frozen on their way to his side from where he'd shoved Chiba out of the way, and his feet are awkwardly placed, enough so he knows he won't be able to balance for long without a cramp of some sort forcing his hand.

The rest of the class still as well, before Korosensei turns to them, face starting to turn red in his anger. The three that had been following Karma are already as close as they can get, Isogai and Kimura discussing how to get him off without setting it off, while Sugino talks to Karma in order to make sure they don't have to move him quickly and book it.

"Who would like to admit to setting up a landmine and then not marking it on the map?"

The students turn to each other, but they know they had marked all of them and removed the ones Korosensei had not set off months ago, there's no way they missed one they would've seen it with the way they scoured literally every inch of this place just to make sure they didn't miss any. 

"There's no way this was one of ours." Karma grits out.

They all turn to him and Isogai nods in confirmation. They had made sure to remove the click from all of the landmines they'd place in hopes of catching the target off guard, since he can move so fast, and this one had made such a loud noise everyone had known it was there as soon as Karma had stepped on it. There's no way they had made it, especially since the beads would've already gone off and none of their 6th senses would've gone off for a simple bead bomb.

"Korosensei, we made those bombs. We stuffed them full of anti you beads and while that would certainly not be pleasant to get belted by them, we would do it. We, however, sound proofed ours in hopes of catching you off guard. This one made a click. Someone else must've set it up. We scoured this entire area and checked every inch of ground in order to make sure nothing like this would happen, cause we would not risk our classmates like that."

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