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3rd pov

It's not his fault. Karma had never asked to have insomnia and he certainly had not felt the urge to make it so he only fell asleep when he felt safe. Karma had always had insomnia, even when he was young, and it drove his parents insane, having to deal with him when he was tired and whiny about it - and it certainly says a lot about his parents that he had insomnia so bad when he was younger - but he was young and did not understand. Having had to live with it for 14 years at this point, he's used to going days if not at least 2 weeks without sleep before having his body shut down to get some rest.

However, upon entering the assassination classroom and making friends, he found that he no longer had troubles sleeping. He is not sure if it's because he feels safe with his friends or simply because class exhausts him so much his insomnia isn't acting up, but he's gotten used to getting at least 8 hours of sleep. So finding himself still awake, staring at the ceiling, not even 2 weeks into the class is sad and crushes just a little more of his hopes of finally getting weeks of hours of sleep, instead of his measly 2 that he'll manage with his insomnia, if even that and not just staying up all night studying for lack of things to do. 

The class say nothing when he comes in looking a bit haggard, hair a mess and his skin a bit paler than usual, but his grin is on his face and he's walking straight so they decide not to question it or him, simply hope he'll get more sleep and be his normal self. He is not as energetic as normal, even if it's only by the slightest of margins and a lot of his smiles just barely reach his eyes in comparison to what they usually do. Of all people, it is not Nagisa, Koro-sensei or even Sugino - some of the people to supposedly be closest to Karma, though in his opinion they're all his now and hopes they feel the same - but rather Isogai who figures out the solution to the problem they had not known existed, as well as the problem itself.

This can be attributed to him being many things - poor, curious, concerned, a big brother - but most of the credit goes to being one of the calmest people in the class. He and Karma have decided to eat lunch together to get away from the others who can be a bit much for people who enjoy the quiet - or are used to quiet - such as them. Isogai had not said anything, felt no need to, his back against the tree and food carefully being eaten with one hand while he watched the others. Karma is next to him, having finished eaten, and slumped pretty much against the tree. ( It's been a few days and they're starting to get worried, he always comes in looking more tired and nothing appears to help.) 

Isogai jumps a bit when Karma slumps onto his shoulder, but does not move, breath caught in his throat and concern foremost in his mind. He gently feels Karma's forehead - no fever - and his pulse - it's normal, if a bit slow - and then relaxes, watching his classmate sleep against his shoulder. When the bell rings and Karma does not stir, Isogai stays still, watching the others head in and knowing that someone will come look for him soon, since he's known for only being absent or late at certain times and this is not one of them.

He's not surprised to see Karasuma-sensei marching out not too long after class should've started, heading straight for the both of them. He can see the concern on his face, even though he's trying his hardest to be emotionless as is required, and answers before the man can get a word out, knowing it'll keep Karma asleep.

"He fell asleep on me and with how he's been the last few days I figured it best not to wake him. I can't get an angle to pick him up and I feel like moving him from my shoulder to pick him up might wake him, so I waited. Should we take him to the infirmary?"

Karasuma looks over his students - one asleep, looking as innocent as any other kid would and the other concerned enough to let his attendance be affected in order to keep his friend asleep - and nods, gently picking the red head up and stilling when the kid moves. He relaxes when he simply rolls his head closer to his chest, hand coming up to grab at his shirt just a bit, and remains asleep. Isogai gets up, gently brushing off his pants and follows them to the infirmary, where he helps tuck Karma in and everything, before starting to head towards class. However, he stops at the door and - for a reason he can not yet determine - turns to Karma, and gently puts his coat over him, watching as he shuffles, and pulls the coat closer to his nose.

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