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3rd pov (Feel free to ask if you need to know roughly what episodes these fall between.)

None of them know exactly how this happened or why this guy was targeting Karma, but absolutely none of them are happy about it. Don't get them wrong, the red head can be annoying and sadistic on his best days, and look very punch-able on his bad days, but never would they actually do it. They all know it's his own way of encouraging and accepting them, making them welcome. He does not treat them differently because of gender nor does he react to anything they say harshly, he just accepts them. 

They do the same, they all know that underneath the sadistic nature, there is a softy that cares for all of them and would protect them to his last breath, not unlike most of them would do. The entire class is protective of each other, a side effect of having bonded so close together, and so they are currently pissed.

The day had started normal, with them trying to kill Korosensei as he took attendance in anyway they could and him simply dodging, though they noted that Karma was late yet again. He walked in after the actual attendance, looking like it were any other day, though if they paid more attention, maybe they would've noticed the way he appeared to be more tense, as if alert, or the way his eyes flittered over the windows and walls several times - after Itona broke through one, they all took to looking over the entire room for enemies since the walls are not that stable, obviously - after he took his seat. The day ends well, with all of them heading for their last PE class.

If they'd been paying attention maybe they would notice how Karma does not go up to fight with Karasuma, choosing to instead sit off to the side and watch all of them, keeping a close eye on the area around him as well. They are not however and so they miss it.

Karma himself has no idea what's wrong, but since the moment he stepped out of his house, he's felt eyes on him, and the intent he feels behind them is not nice, let alone kind, if anything it was more like it was down right hatred being aimed at him. He can not think of anyone or anything he has done recently that would piss someone off so much,  but he can't make himself relax either, not with the constant bloodlust being aimed at his back, forcing him into a constant state of alertness he knows he can't maintain.

The longer he's in this state the more drained he'll be once it ends and so he is trying his hardest not to be alone until he absolutely has to be - which is only for a part of the walk to his house and once he gets into his house, though he's not looking forward to that - and so he stays behind for the extra PE class. It doesn't help that this is not the first day he's felt like this and is as a matter of fact, his third, meaning his near state of alertness is about to run out and he'll be more or less useless, with no real ability to attack back or guard himself. That's part of the reason why he is not fighting as he usually would in this class. Too much risk.

Karasuma has noted that Karma is not participating in class and even more so that the boy is completely tense, glancing over his shoulder and over all of his surroundings multiple times, even counting his classmates in hopes to keep himself calm and let himself know they're safe and alive, though Karasuma can only guess why. The bloodlust is not aimed at him so he can never fully pinpoint it, but he has a fairly certain grasp on who it is aimed at, and so he keeps half an eye on the boy, watching as he starts to droop more and more every hour, until the point where he's as he is today - left practically dropped over his own knees, eyes mostly closed, guard pretty much completely down in a way so unlike him - and the worry ratchets up, enough so he calls for a pause and starts to head towards the kid.

The others watch, worried because if Karasuma is approaching him, it must be something bad, though none of them are entirely sure what's going on with their classmate they'd noticed he felt off the last few days. He always felt like he was paying attention, his very presence always on the edge of their concentration, and he'd been like that for the entire duration of school, never letting up. He was paying an unusual amount of attention pretty much daydreaming, though he certainly is not responding to half the conversation directed at him and everyone had noticed. Korosensei said to leave it be, but they're not so sure and now that Karasuma is getting involved, they can't help but wonder if maybe they should've stepped in sooner.

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