Soulmates 2

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This is a different soulmate Au. Not a continuation.

3rd pov

Over the world, there are many ways to find your soulmates. Some people get stuck feeling their other halves emotional pain, some get stuck with the physical pain, others get stuck with the bruises, cuts and other such that they receive and most get stuck with just a general sense of where their soulmate is, if not the vague emotions they're feeling. The E class have trouble, not only in school, but what with different groups of them chunked into soulmates. They all know their soulmates, but they are also friends with the other people in the class.

Korosensei's soulmate is dead, represented as a dark little mark on his skin, something that all people get upon their soulmate(s) dying. Nobody is quite sure why the mark appears, but it does and it's always with dull colors. It's usually pretty easy to tell who are soulmates, based purely on the way they interact, but sometimes there's just no way to tell. Nagisa has almost all his soulmates - they're missing one, Sugino, Isogai, Kayano and he - and based on the way they interact with every day life, they really want to find the last piece of their group.

Nagisa gets the emotions from all of them, Isogai gets the emotional pain, Sugino ends up with the physical evidence of any injuries, Kayano can find any of them with unerring accuracy, which means the last piece of them either is like Nagisa with the emotions - not likely - or the one they believe to be true, they are taking all the physical pain. None of them have felt the pain from an injury for very long time, with their last soulmate choosing to take all of it, even if they do it in small increments. 

They have a note book with all the possibly people if could be - all the students in their class are paired, for the most part, with only a few choosing to not reveal who they are partnered to, not knowing who they're partnered to, or not having a partner yet. Okajima has not told them his soulmate yet, nor has Karma or Terasaka, while Ritsu and Itona do not appear to have/ gotten theirs yet. Karasuma and Bitch sensei are bonded, while the rest of the students that are bonded are almost always found in groups or pairs, sometimes something in between. 

However, it's not often enough for them to be too definite, since the others also have a tendency to go out with their friends from E class just as often as they do their soulmates. The main building students do not hang out unless they're with their soulmate(s) or they're studying. It's a bit unnerving and the E class avoids them for that reason as well. 

Karma had, from the time he was young, always accepted the pain from his soulmates. From the general feeling he got, he has at least 4 if not another few soulmates, but he could not tell for the longest time. It took him ages to realize none of them were all that ok, his other pieces, with one being beaten, another constantly having hunger pains along with extreme clumsiness, one pushing them self hard,  muscles aching and sore for days, with the last having the usual pain until they start getting headaches and more worrying injuries that Karma does not like the implication of. 

It's only after he joins E class that he finds the last one. Nagisa had obviously been one of them, though it had taken him a moment to pick out which pain he was, realizing he was the one who got beat constantly. Upon walking into E class, he spots three people - 2 boys and a girl - who are interesting in look as well as had useful information in their files. One is incredibly poor, another is a baseball fan and the other is a student from a ridiculously vague background. These are his three other soulmates, he's sure of it, along with Nagisa. It takes him only an hour to learn their names - Isogai, Sugino and Kayano - and he etches the names into his heart, refusing to forget them for any reason.

Over the course of the school years he takes all of their pain - his own is not canceled out, so he feels his own physical pain as well - and adds it to his body, knowing he can take it. It's part of the reason he got into fights, was to build up his pain tolerance so he could take the pain for 4 people with no visible sign on his body or face, as well as to get attention from his parents. He's sure Kayano has been affected by his close location and not being able to due anything, as has Nagisa been subjected to his depression and loneliness, with flashes of content or happiness. Sugino has the bruises, cuts or scrapes from all the fights he gets in, and Isogai has more than once been subjected to his emotional pain. The guilt he feels for burdening them causes him to take more of their pain, as much as he can.

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