Soul Eater AU

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3rd pov

In the world, there are people that have the ability to use their soul wave length. Not every person can use it, and neither is it a thing you can pass on. There are people that can use soul wave lengths who can - and do -  come from a family that's never had a soul wave length user, or they could be poor, rich, healthy, unhealthy, there is no real tell to whether you can use it, you simply do.

Those that can use and control their wave length are typically considered the Meisters. Weapons are literally just that, people who can turn themselves into weapons. Meisters and Weapons work together only if their soul wave lengths are compatible, otherwise injuries can occur. There is a school, DWMA - AKA Death Weapon Meister Academy - where the people who can use their soul wave length can learn everything they need to - how to control their soul, how to turn into a weapon without hurting themselves, how to work together, places they can work without using their soul - before they graduate.

The E class are not the best at what they do. Some are there for bad control, some are their cause they have no one compatible yet and most are their cause they have weak souls but they can still use it and are bonded. Weapons and Meisters are seated next to each other if they are bonded, while the unbonded just sit where they like. It had been a while since the E class got a new student, and everyone is talking. Karasuma-sensei - the home room teacher - sighs and watches them, already knowing what's going to happen.

"Alright, listen up. We do have a new student coming, but he won't be here until tomorrow after the search we have set up tomorrow, since he's not bonded. Don't get too excited. Please take a seat, your target should be here soon."

The entire E class are taking classes like everyone other one here, learning the basics, but they're also learning the assassination style for Meister/Weapon pairs, since they all fit that style best. Their main teacher, Korosensei is the target, who they practice their moves on, and the English teacher is Bitch-sensei, though only in the class since they would be punished by Death-sensei for disrespecting their teacher. 

Karma sighs and leans forward, having been studying the first aid techniques weapons are allowed to learn and use since they can use their soul, but only as an amplifier of sorts, they can only increase the speed at which someone heals. He's already ahead on most of the stuff they teach 2nd years, reading 3rd and occasionally 4th year stuff. He tends to get bored and skip, but he tends to stay as well since the class descends into chaos just as easily as it goes normally. 

Terasaka, Sugino and Kayano spare him looks when he sighs, but otherwise ignore him. They're weapons as well, but they are bonded and their Meisters sit by their sides. No one had managed to match Karma's soul yet, simply because he's such a contradiction  and he acts so different. His soul is kind and caring, protective and calm, but he acts cruel - not really, but others think so - and he's kind of sadistic, his insults often have stings and he can barely stay still, so a lot of people have tried, but they all give up.

Nagisa resides by Sugino, while Maehara sits next to Kayano. Next to Terasaka sits Nakamura. Chiba sits by his Weapon, Hayami and the rest of their class rests by their other half, the part they were missing. Most of them are not dating and the entire class is like a family, but there are some that end up dating. Karasuma and his partner are friends, while Irina is a death scythe and not often used because of that. Korosensei is dating his partner, Kayano's sister Aguri is his partner. Kayano took their dad's name so the class could tell them apart. 

The rest of the day goes by nice and easy for E class, everyone racing out afterwards. Karma has a job to get to, since it's better than being bored at home, he works in a café and Sugino works with him. Nagisa works at a nearby restaurant as does Nakamura and the rest just want to go home and finish the assignments they were given to finish. Karma sighs after he finishes, heading home with a little extra money in his pocket and no idea on what to do. He's been allowed to stay in the class for now, but if he can't find a partner soon, he's going to have to return home.

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