Episode 13 Au

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As said this is an au of episode 13. Not much of one, but well... let's see how it goes.

3rd pov

Karma had had a bad feeling about the new guy even before he'd spoken. The way he spoke to them and the immediate bribe he pulled out set him on alert and then he started talking and talking and talking. No ex-military or current agent of any kind would talk this much or that way. Something about this Takaoka set all of Karma's nerves on end and he can not help the glare that settles on his face, though he does reel in his blood lust as much as he can.

The others barely notice, used to Karma's blood lust and having no reason to fear it, but Takaoka, Bitch-sensei, Karasuma-sensei and Korosensei all take note of the fact that this new guy puts their delinquent on edge and decide they'll watch him a little closer and dig a bit deeper into his past, while one notes his rouse is not working. Karasuma leaves as soon as the class starts to eat, heading for his computer, determined to see what could've set Karma on edge, while Irina and Korosensei both settle on the stairs and make sure they're paying close attention.

They both realize what it is fairly quickly. Anytime the students attention are not on him, his eyes fill with a crazed look and he glances around, looking for someone, before facing the children with a sort of concentrated maliciousness that takes years to fester and it's not even really tame, simply being used. Irina takes this news to Karasuma, since everyone knows Korosensei is more than capable of protecting the kids and they both feel an instinct they had gained from being assassins, bully itself to the forefront of their instincts. 

They know they'll have to be on the lookout during his class tomorrow... especially when Karasuma pulls up a second picture to show the same previously smiling students with Takaoka, with cuts, scars and their hands tied being shown off. He's almost physically sick, imagining any of those kids like this and Irina is not much better off, hand covering her mouth. They both firmly decide that if this asshole tries anything, they will step in. However, they have no way to reschedule the things they have that'll cover at least the first half of that class.

They decide to forewarn Korosensei because they both have meetings they can not miss and they are not willing to leave the students alone with the man. When they are further questioned, they show him the picture without hesitation and his face turns red, verging on black, but he quickly agrees - he never planned on leaving them alone with the fucker, but now he most certainly will not let them leave his view at all.

The class themselves are unaware of the anger, except for Karma who is still being rubbed wrong by that guy even though he is not there anymore. He manages to bury a growl, though a bit of it escapes, but he gathers his stuff and heads for the staff room. He's going to say something to the teachers, and he's also got a feeling they want him. Call it an instinct, a sixth sense, whatever, but he thinks they already know and require him now.

The rest of the class head home cheerfully, none the more aware, each being at least a bit eager to see what the new PE teacher will teach them, and what new methods he'll have in comparison to Karasuma-sensei. Karma stalks into the staff room and is greeted by all three of his teachers, with Korosensei a red color and the other two with creases and furrows showing their anger as professionals.

"We know you are planning to skip tomorrow Karma, and while we would not usually stop you..."

"You felt that bitch's nature, and we need you there to protect your more innocent classmates. They can fight, but none of them are prepared for the kind of techniques he'll use and they'll need support. You're going to be the support for your class and if necessary,  you can attack first and we'll call it self-defense. Just... watch out for them please?"

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