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3rd pov

Karma had never truly been in control of himself. Now, that may sound like an excuse or a reason to avoid people, but it's the truth. Karma had been created, by Dr. Akabane and Dr. Akabane, his "parents" and had lived with them for years. They had made him look and sound as human as possible - as natural as a human - and so he lives with them, "growing" as they update and exchange parts. 

He is all the latest technology, everything you could ever want, except they gave him pain receptors, touch, scent, hearing, sight, everything they could possibly think of in order to make sure he would suffer. They know he can think and move on his own, if they are not paying attention, so they always have his control on hand and force him into stillness when they require something. 

As soon as they finished making Karma, the Doctors made sure they had a control point in the back of his neck, cleverly hidden but not so much so. A small, tiny piece, about the size of the pinkie finger nail, in the shape of a triangle, rests on the back of his neck, a black color against his skin. They make him wear long necked clothes to compensate for that, as long as they can get away with it. Every update, exchange or both hurt him, cause pain he can not react to even if he wants to, since they freeze him when they do it, but they never put him to sleep.

Having to act the way he does - completely against how he wants to act - is horrible and it starts to slowly eat away at him, until he's trying to hack their control spire that runs through his spine, but he's never actually managed to get too far before they realize and punish him with a different pain that runs through his system, but no one notices because they control him and he does not. 

Karma hates the Dr.'s, they literally control every aspect of his life and he has nothing. No personal belongings, no hobbies, no loves or hopes or dreams or anything. Not even his friends are real, because they're getting to know only a piece of him, and it's not even him, it's his "parents". Why they would want him to act this way, or make him act this way, he does not know, but he does not appreciate or approve of this. 

Ritsu can tell something is up with Karma, but only because she's an AI, another person as close to him as can be without an actual body, and he knows she's figured out the problem when he feels a foreign presence one day during class and the expression that passes across her face as she realizes he is not really him. She speaks very little that day and even more than that, she appears to be deep in thought, her screen dark for most of the classes. Karma thinks he knows what she's trying to do, but there's no way for her to help.

"Karma, can you stay behind today please? We want to do a class study to make sure you're all keeping up and bonding as well, so your attendance is mandatory at least slightly."

Or at least he thought it was. The vague presence of a familiar foreign presence penetrates through his defenses and explains, but he's not even close to sure this will work. His "parents" will be on their way back immediately, and they will fix him. The class would have had to find some way to counter act them getting him back, or else there will have been no point in coming to him at this point. 

Karma nods - the first time he and his "parents" have ever made the same motion - and heads back to his seat, setting his stuff back down on the ground and putting his feet on his desk. Korosensei starts to teach, as if it really is a class study and not an elaborate plot to try and rescue Karma from his parents. He pays attention, no choice really, but he also finds it extremely interesting, so he does choose what he listens to. 

The class had not known anything was wrong, not until Ritsu had gone off for almost an entire day, and when she was on, her answers were half assed at best, non existent at worst. She had not said anything until "Karma" had left for the day, and only then had she turned on, looking deeply concerned in a way they had not seen her express before that. She stopped Korosensei from leaving as well before she began to speak.

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