Karma time part 2 AU

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3rd pov

Karma knows he's changed, had felt and embraced it after the loss he had felt at only getting 13th place, but there is also something else. He knows he's not entirely changed, his friends would've panicked over something like that, but he felt much more calm in comparison to how he used to be. Sure, he was still the guy you don't want to anger, and he has a mischief steak a mile wide, but he also feels something in the center of his chest that balances it out.

Maybe it's the fact he has friends, people who want to hang out with him and who come to him for advice or a sleepover, just something, has allowed him to become calmer, maybe it's the fact people are leaning on him unlike before when next to nobody cared what he did, let alone got close enough to lean on him - physically or mentally - and so he's started to stand straighter, and taken more of the burden off his classmates. He can not say exactly what it is, all he knows is that he can definitely be of more use than he is right now, especially since they're infiltrating a building to get a cure for the rest of their friends, who've been poisoned.

Karma had always been one of the sneakiest, beaten only by Nagisa who erases his entire presence and everything, but Karma literally slinks into the shadows. You'd think with his golden eyes and bright red hair he would have a lot more trouble, but he hides in the shadows as if they're old friends and they are simply welcoming him back into their fold. The rest of the class watch as the two slink forward - most can barely see Karma, and used to Nagisa's lack of presence they see him easily - and peak around the corner, checking for guards and anyone in the way.

Karma's hand comes out of the shadows, a thumbs up his signal that it's clear, while Nagisa shakes his head, meaning he's got guards on his side. They all head down the corridor Karma checked and make it pretty far, before they run across a man leaning against the glass that is an entire wall for the hall. The man smashes the glass behind him, shattering it enough to form large cracks and almost fully break it, but not quite enough for that. No need to draw unnecessary attention to the building if possible. 

"How sad. I was truly looking forward to a fight, instead I get stuck with a bunch of kids. I was hoping the teacher might give me a fight, but he was caught in the damn smog and all. I don't feel right killing kids, so I'm just going to call the boss and have him deal with you lot."

The man pulls out a radio, about to use it, when something snatches it out of his hand, causing everyone to freeze in shock, before following the line of vision required for that. They end up looking at the ceiling, where Karma has managed to get himself on the beams and had looped some wire into a big enough circle to grab and snatch the radio with no problem. He grins from the beam, giving the enemy a cheeky wave, before casually tossing the radio to Karasuma. Maybe they can use it for something later. He carefully jumps down, crouching to take the impact without hurting himself

"I don't know about that. See, we kind of need to stay incognito, so how about ya don't? Besides, calling in back up for a bunch of kids? You're really going to ruin your reputation as an assassin that way? What kind of assassin are you? Even I could take you out. Not that that's saying much, since you obviously have no pride in your job."

The class jolt - that is their brother being an idiot, taunting the enemy into a fight - but they do not move closer, Karma kindly explaining with one hand in sign language his plan as it is. They agree to the plan, even if they don't necessarily like it,  and step to the sides, freeing the middle of the hallway up. Karma grins - he loves how much they trust him, the warmth in his chest further enticing him to win this fight - and looks over his opponent.

"Hey, Mr. Enemy? Ya really only use your hands for fightin?"

"Can't take something from me in a search if there is nothing. Besides, my fists are more than enough for the likes of you, amateur, so I don't think I need anything else. Shall we get started?"

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