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3rd pov

Karma had not wanted to die young. No one ever really wants to, it's just the way things happen, ok? A lot of good people - and despite most strangers protests that he's not good, Karma is a gentle person in his very soul - die young and Karma unfortunately is going to be one of the ones to die young. He's been aware of the problem since he was about 4, when his parents took him in a for a check up on a cough that was persistent, started dry and turned to wet. They had feared pneumonia, back when they still loved him, and wanted him to be ok.

They had gone to the check up, only to receive the news that he had stage 2 lung cancer. The treatments and everything able to help treat it were offered and they listened, trying to figure out what the hell would work best. They decide to do targeted therapy, forcing Karma to take pills every morning in order to stave off any progress his cancer might make. It does not take long, being pretty effective, but the lack of energy he gets from taking the medicine tends to knock him out. 

His parents take him out of schooling and have him home schooled for a few years so they can make sure the treatments are working and that their sickly son won't put a stain on their reputation. They work him hard, only giving him a few breaks for medicine and a few other things. They start to become cold and a lot more distant the longer they have to give him medicine, until they start venturing out, leaving for days, then weeks, then months at a time, before finally escalating to how it is now : having not seen him physically in about 9 years or so. 

He takes his medicine, because he may not necessary want to live some days, but he would never kill himself by not taking his medicine. Also, he does not want to face the more severe symptoms of actual lung cancer and so he takes the pills. He tries to not forget, cause the days he forgets he coughs and hacks a lot, along with a constant sharp pain in his chest that steadily gets stronger throughout the day. The nannies and babysitters stopped coming at 8, so he watches over himself. 

Karma sighs, another day in his class, and then turns to read his clock. He jerks in surprise when he reads 9:30 am, and hurries to get dressed. He can already see texts that he hasn't answered from Nagisa, Isogai and Sugino, along with a few other classmates that have his number, and he's sure Korosensei probably checked on him when he was later that usual. He yanks on clothes, grabs a coat, his bag and his medicine bottle, shoving it in his bag, and then heads out of the house at a jog, making sure he locks the door before taking off at a run. 

He gets on a train before it leaves and sighs, knowing he's going to have to explain to his classmates why he's late without giving away his cancer. It's all in his medical file, but he'd made sure to burn his files before being suspended and so the teachers do not have a copy, and the digital version hasn't been updated accurately in years. He hurries up the hill, stopping to cough roughly at the top of the hill, before heading for the door, walking towards the class as if he isn't almost an hour later than usual. He opens the door and heads to his seat, grinning cheekily at his teacher.

Korosensei is relieved - he had stopped by Karma's home to check on him ( both to relieve the students worry and his own ) and found the boy pale, bags under his eyes, hunched over his desk, and had moved him to his bed - glad to see his student felt well enough to get to class. Likewise, the class is also happy to see Karma, no longer having a reason for the squirmy, uncomfortable feeling in their chests. They are all extremely concerned however, they can hear a bit of a wheeze - kind of harsh, a certain sound like he's been coughing, not wet coughs either - in his breathing and decide they might need to interfere. 

Karma makes it through the rest of the classes, muffling coughs and such into his sleeve, making sure to bite his lip if that did not work, unfortunately that means that his focus suffers and he is not paying much attention to the actual school work being explained in front of him. He tried real hard to pay attention, but the moment his focus was taken away from trying not to cough, the urge got stronger and he has an extremely hard time dividing his attention, so he prioritizes the cough over his school work.

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