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3rd pov

A lot of people assume since Karma's parents aren't around, he is not abused, mostly because they are not there in order to actually punish him. They do not know that if he gets into enough trouble for the teacher or hospital to have to call his parents, they come home and punish him before leaving again with no regret or apologies. They do not know that he started rebelling to both get his parents attention and to make sure his parents did not start beating on other children - he'd seen the look in their eyes the day he had brought home a friend the first time and had not liked it - they do not know that the punishments range from being locked in his room with nothing to eat or drink for days on end, to being chained to his ceiling and whipped, not safe even inside his own room.

Between the constant abuse as punishment and the neglect of having them never there, is it any surprise that he had not turned out quite right? He can not fight back against his father or his mother, but he can certainly fight off the bullies and the thugs that challenge him without having to hold back. Sure, that means he gets more injuries, but he's used to taking care of himself... until he meets Shiota in his first year of middle school, and started to enjoy having someone nearby to talk to and go to for a listening ear. 

He can not help, however, the unease he gets from his friend. He can sense the bloodlust deep within him - that doesn't bother him at all, he has it too - but the fact that the closer he gets, the more he prepares for some kind of hit or punishment for not being good enough ,for rebelling, for being bad notgoodenoughdirtyhorriblenogoodfucker  and so he starts to pull away out of fear, from the early trauma in his childhood. He had really wanted to be friends with Nagisa, but the trauma had not wanted him to and as much as he is good at listening, he is no where near as good at talking about his own problems.

The thoughts that had sprouted more and more often since he started middle school - not good enough, never good enough, not safe, stupid, embarrassment - were encouraging him to get far away from his friend as well and unfortunately for both him and Nagisa, he has no defense against these thoughts, nothing to talk back to them and so he listens, slowly letting the distance between them go, and taking away from himself the feeling of warmth and love and affection he'd been given, making him far more violent and leading to him being suspended. 

The whipping and skin scrubbed off are worth it to see his parents so mad, and to have all of it aimed at him rather than the friend they think caused him to be suspended. He's still in pain and barely hiding a wince when the suspension ends and he's heading towards the E- class building for his first day. The pain pill he took and the several he have on him attest to how much pain he's in, though he manages to act normal - the same way he always has at school, though it's starting to wear on him, acting so sadistic and everything - enough to keep everyone convinced he's fine. The teacher - Octopus - almost finds him out when he does his last attempt for the day, tentacles sticking to his clothes and barely pulling on the bandages he's wearing.

The next few days go well, pain kept hidden and everything is going great that day... until some asshole decides it's a good idea to send them the teacher Takaoka for PE, as an assistant to Karasuma. He had not attended class that day, but he gets the unpleasant advantage of running into the asshole on the way back to check on his classmates and grab his stuff. 

Takaoka comes racing by, throwing his bag and practically seething at the mouth, and Karma just manages to avoid being hit, glad that he's standing at the edge of the forest leading right to the open ground to the training area. He decides it's better to just keep moving, as silently as possible, in order to not be more injured - the whipping had been especially bad and they overlapped a lot, meaning weeks if not several months of fucking healing - and notes with dismay that his classmates are leaving, which means if he's spotted-

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