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My flight was on the opposite side of the airport from the rest of the team's. I still had some time to say goodbye before I left.

"Bye Eliza, thanks for teaching me how to stop," Luis was first to say bye to me.

Jesse walked up to me.

"Thanks for being on the team," He said smiling.

Next was a hug from Kenny, a handshake from Dwayne, and a slap on the back from Russ.

"I had the best time with you here Eliza!" Connie said hugging me. "I'm going to miss you so much," she said pulling away.

Averman, Guy, and Goldburg hugged and thanked me. Last were Adam, Julie and Charlie.

"See ya at home lil sis!" Charlie said hugging me.

"I'm younger by 17 minutes Char-" I said. Everyone giggled.

"Bye Adam. I'll see you soon!" I said dropping my bags and giving him the biggest hug. I didn't know what ten months without your best friend felt like. I wasn't ready to experience it now.

Julie dropped her luggage and pulled me into the biggest and best hug i've ever gotten. I felt a tear go onto my jacket and she pulled away. I'm going to miss her more than I've ever missed anything.

"Goodbye Elizabeth," she choked and started crying.

"Goodbye Jules," I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Attention passengers flight 217 is currently boarding!" I glanced at my ticket. 217 in big red letters.

"That's me guys," I said waving and walking off. This was the hardest thing i've ever had to leave behind. Besides Dad of course.


The entire flight I was thinking about if I had made the right choice to go home. I know Dean went home and so did Jesse but I left my best friend, brother and girlfriend.


Mom was waiting for me outside the airport. I ran and jumped into her arms.

"Oh my baby is home finally!" She said squeezing me tightly. I knew I had made the right choice now.


"So tell me honey why didn't you want to go with the team to Eden Hall?" She asked as we were eating burgers next door to the airport.

"I wanted to come back mom. I love the team but I love this more," I said to her.

"That must have been a hard choice for you to make. Leaving everyone like that especially your brother," She said.

"Yeah your right Mom it was so hard leaving all of them," I sighed. We finished up and drove about an hour home. I slept well in the car considering  I got zero sleep last night.

Once we pulled up to our house, a rush of extreme comfort and joy filled me up. I was finally home where I belonged.

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