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(Time skip!!)

I was frantically digging threw my drawers with Adam sitting on my bed reading a book. I was actually going insane about this date.

"Do you like this one?" I asked holding up a white skirt. Adam tilted his head and nodded. I threw it on the ground and kept digging.

"This one?" I asked holding a pair of jeans. He nodded again. This was impossible. I saw something red sticking out from Connie's drawer. I decided she wouldn't notice if I took one thing.

I walked over to the drawer and pulled out the red piece I saw. It was a red plaid, pleaded skirt and it was my size.

"Adam?" I said holding the perfect skirt up. He gave a thumbs up and smiled. I pulled a white collared shirt from my closet and my white converse. I decided to take my team jacket just in case it got cold.

By 6:30 I was ready and waiting for Julie in the dorm. The door opened and she stepped inside. She was wearing a dark purple sweater with a light purple shirt peaking threw, with dark wash jeans and black shoes. Her hair was down but had two small braids on the sides.

"Ready?" she asked smiling. I looked back at Adam.

"Well? How do I look?" I asked twirling proudly in the skirt. He stood up and stuck a bobby pin in my hair, pinning it out of my face. I laughed and we set off for the fair.


When we got there it's was super busy. The lines were insane and everyone was crowding the games.

"So what do you want to do first? We could go on that," I said pointing to the biggest ride there. I hated rides but I wanted to seem brave.

"I am actually not a big fan of roller coasters," she said shrugging. I smiled.

"Same," We both laughed and she grabbed my hand.

"Come on let's go here first," she said pulling my arm leading the way.


It was almost 9:30 and we were planning on being back by 10 so this was our last thing.

"Okay you pick next," I told her as last time I picked what we did.

"Hmmm how bout the ferris wheel?" She suggested and pointed to it.

"But I thought you hated rides," I said worried.

"Oh come on this one isn't that bad! Come on," she grabbed my hand again and this time I let her. We made it to the ferris wheel and gave the guy running it our tickets. I helped Julie climb into the bright blue seat and the ride started.

"So Eliza, why did we come here?" she asked as we were going up higher.

"Oh well I just wanted to spend time together before we left thats all," I said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh well I appreciate it Liz," she said. Her face was barley touching mine. Man these seats were close together.

"Can I make a confession?" I blurted. Oh no I had to make up something on the spot. I wasn't ready to tell her yet. "Uh my real name is Elizabeth," I said. This wasn't exactly a lie, my real name was Elizabeth Conway.

"Ohhhhh everyone just calls you Eliza. I see," she said. "Well I have one to-" all of a sudden we were jerked forward and the ride stopped moving. I jumped and Julie out her hand over mine. We were both blushing profusely. We were stuck right at the tip of the ride.

"I broke up with Dean today," she sighed. I was shocked. I thought her and Dean were happy.

"Why?" I asked. She got closer to me. My heart was beating so fast I thought she could hear it. My face was red and my eyes were blank. All I could see was Julie. All I could think about was Julie.

"So I could do this," she said. She grabbed my face and kissed me. Suddenly I felt warm and happy and whole for the first time in a long time.

I am absolutely terrible at writing romance/romantic things so please bare with me if my writing sucks after this. 😃

ferris wheel || Julie Gaffney Where stories live. Discover now