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"Charlie Conway!" I busted into the dorm and found him on his bed looking at the TV.

"What do you want now?" he groaned and pulled the covers over his face.

"I know you told Guy that Adam and I were dating. Admit it Charlie!" I said ripping the covers off him.

"Okay fine, I told Guy you guys were dating but I actually thought you were. I didn't know he would tell other people okay," he confessed. I was kind of surprised how easy it was to get information out of him. He was usually so stubborn.

"Oh..well thanks for telling me Charlie," I sighed.

"What's bugging ya lil sis?" He said. He was only older than me by 17 minutes.

"Nothing, why?" I crossed my arms and couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Come on. I can tell when my sister is upset," he said. I still stayed silent but I came and sat next to him on the bed. As soon as I sat down, a putrid smell hit my nose.

"Ew Charlie what the fuck is this smell?" I asked scrunching my nose up.

"Room service doesn't wash our sheets," he said. That's why the entire room smelled of teenage boy. Disgusting. "Anyways back to what we were saying. Why are you upset?" I lay down next to him. The smell tortured me.

"Well I kinda like someone and I don't know how to tell them because I don't think they like me back," I finally said. It felt good telling someone who wasn't Adam. I loved Adam and all but he's not the best at comforting people.

"Oh..Well that's funny because that's exactly what's happening to me," he said. My mouth fell open. Who would Charlie have a crush on? He's too focused on himself to think of anyone else.

"Really?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Ya, I've been trying to find a way to tell them but you know it's hard," He turned to look at me now.

"So I guess you wouldn't have any advise then huh?" I asked.

"No but you could ask Luis, he's a real flirt you know," he says. That was a genius idea.

"Oh my god Charlie that's the best idea you've had in your life!" I said. He shoved his hand in my face and I laughed. I liked having brother sister moments with Charlie. We haven't been getting along too well ever since dad...

"So Liza, who's you crush then?" He asked. Oh no. This wasn't supposed to come up. What do I say. Panic rose in me and my breathing increased. Say something.

"Uh what crush?" I said nervously. Really.

"Girl- Your crush. What we were literally just talking about," He said. I slammed my face into the pillow.

"Julie Gaffney," I mumbled.

"What was that?" He said tapping my shoulder.

"JULIE GAFFNEY!" I yelled and shot up. Charlie's eyes looked shocked and excited at the same time.

"Really?" He said. he fumbled with his hands. "Well you told me yours so I guess I'll tell you mine," I expected some girl from the hotel's name to come out of his mouth.

"I like.." Suddenly the door opened and it was Adam. Charlie shut his mouth at once and went back under his covers. Probably because he was wearing his choo choo train boxers which was pretty embarrassing.

"Am I interrupting something..." Adam said.

"Kinda," Charlie said looking him up and down. Adam turned around and walked right out the door.

"So as I was saying I like-" Adam came back in with my hockey bag. I forgot I left it in the cafeteria.

"Here Eliza, you left this," I nodded and he left again. I stood up and opened the door to make sure no one else was coming.

"Okay I like him..." Charlie said. My eyes widened.

"Who?" I asked.

"Him," What does that mean? Suddenly it clicked and I gasped.

"Oh my god.." Charlie covered his head in his hands. "This is so exciting Charlie! I have to go tell Adam RIGHT NOW-" I was getting up off the bed when a muscular arm pulled me back.

"Eliza are you out of your mind!" Then I forgot that Charlie had no idea Adam had a crush on him.

"Jesse and Averman owe me 10 bucks," I said.


"Well I may or may not have made a bet that you would have a crush on Adam..."

"ELIZA! You made bets on me!?" He exclaimed. I mean anyone could have told you Adam and Charlie had a thing for each other. I was sitting on a huge piece of information here.

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