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The next morning I met everyone at the cafeteria eating breakfast and getting ready for our game against Iceland. Julie, Connie, Adam, Luis, and I sat at one table.

"So are you guys nervous for the big game?" Connie asked. I turned to Julie who was finishing up her food.

"No" she said. "I'm never even put in anyways," she said frowning.

"Oh don't say that. Coach will have to put you in if he wants a shot at winning," I said reaching for her hand but then I remembered we were supposed to be keeping this a secret. I patted her shoulder and smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks Liz!" she said and walked away with her empty dish. Luis and Connie exchanged glances and then looked at Adam. He shrugged and continued on his oatmeal. I half smiled and walked off to get ready.


We made it to the arena and it was bigger than anywhere I had ever been. There were crowds of people and reporters flooding in to watch us play. I started to get a bit overwhelmed but I remembered my team was there with me.

"Wow Coach you really out did yourself!" Averman said. Everyone chuckled and continued to the locker rooms to get changed.

We changed into our red, white, and blue gear and skated out onto the ice. Cheers and applause came from the audience and it felt good to be appreciated. Once the cheers stopped and both teams were ready it was time to play. I was going out first.

"Hey Eliza," I felt a gloved hand on my sleeve. It was Julie. "You're going to be great out there!" No one was looking so I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled. I skated onto the ice slipping my helmet on. The whistle blew and the game started.


It all came down to this one moment. Both teams were tied 5:5 and it was down to the shoot out. We had changed into our duck uniforms so we felt extra lucky.

"Okay the shoot out is going to be Charlie, Eliza, Jesse, Dwayne, and Adam. Any questions?" Coach announced. He shoved Jesse onto the ice and he scored! Next it was my turn. (I kinda changed this scene a bit because I wanted Charlie to skate instead of coach with Bombay!)

"Go Eliza!" I heard from behind me. I was so nervous I could feel sweat dripping down my back. I skated up the rink and right in front of the goal. I shot and scored!

"WHOOO" I heard from the whole team. Adam and Julie hugged me and I sat down. I was so proud of myself. Next it was Dwayne's turn. He missed but it was okay because we still had more than Iceland. Next was Adam.

"Hey Adam you got this!" I said hugging him before he went out. I was worried he wasn't fully in it. He had just come back after an injury. He shot and he scored! The crowd and team went wild.

After my brother scored, it was up to this last Iceland guy to score and they would win.

"Hey Julie come here," Coach whispered. Julie walked over to him and sat on the bench. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I did know she was going out. Finally.

"Hey," I pulled her aside. Our helmets were touching while I spoke. "Whatever happens out there just know I love you," I said. She smiled the biggest smile and patted my shoulder. She went into the goal and was ready to block the shot.

The Iceland guy was getting closer to her. I was frozen in my seat. Would she stop it? He shot and- Where was the puck? After a second of pure silence, Julie drops the puck from out of her glove.

"She did it!" I yell and skate full speed over to her. I jump into her arms an give her the biggest hug. Soon the whole team joined us on the ice as the crowd cheers.

"You did it!" I say with my head buried in her shoulder.

"We won!" She said pulling away. We both smile and join the team's mini celebration. Russ, the new team member, was cheering with an American flag waving in his hand. We all laughed at him and he gave the flag to Adam. I saw Adam skate over to Charlie and hand him the flag.

"Here, you deserve this," Adam says. Charlie smiles and puts his arm around him awkwardly. Charlie skates around the rink waving the flag and cheering with the rest of the team. We did it. All the hard work and training paid off in the end.

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