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(huge time skip)

"Hey anybody home?" I heard a knocking on the dorm door. Sighing, I walked over and opened the door to see my best friend.

"What are you doing here Banks?" I said turning and going back to my bed. Everyone else was downstairs in the skate park playing and having fun. I couldn't go. How was I supposed to celebrate when I cant even ask a girl out. I'm pathetic.

"I just came up to ask if you had any towels. Guy used all of them and we could use a few more," he said. Towels? Really? There had to be something else he wanted. What was he up to...

"Oh yeah we have a lot of em," I got up and dragged myself into the bathroom for Adam's towels. I opened the cabinet and picked up a huge stack of clean white ones.

"Here ya are," I said slapping them onto the bed. One landed in his lap and he scrunched up his nose.

"Uh- thank you.." he said staring at the towels. We sat there in silence studying the room. I was hoping Adam would speak but nothing.

"So, any luck with Charlie?" I asked. Adam's head lifted and his eyes widened.

"No sadly. I don't know Eliza, I think he just sees me as a friend," He shrugged and pushed a towel off his lap. "Any luck with Julie?" He asked.

"No, I'm just too chicken to make a move Adam," I said. Silence again. Why was starting conversations so hard? Suddenly a lightbulb went off in my brain. It felt like the whole world made sense now.

"Adam! I just had the best idea!" I said grabbing his hand.

"Huh?" He said.

"Since Charlie and I are brothers, I should ask Charlie how he feels about you!" I blurted. I let go of his hand to raise my arms. Adam looked horrified at my idea.

"No! You cant do that!"

"Don't worry I wouldn't give anything away," I reassured him. It was the truth, I would keep his name and anything that would give him away out of it.

"Hmmm I don't know Liz. You aren't really known for your ideas working all that well," he said and shrugged.

"I happen to take offense to that!" I said standing up firmly. "Whatever i'm going down there anyway," I said walking over to the door for my shoes and keys. I threw on our team hoodie and put my hand on the door knob until a hand touched my shoulder.

"Look, promise you won't tell Charlie anything that would give away that it's me?" He looked serious about this. I put my two hands over his.

"I promise," I said and opened the door.

"You coming?" I called into the room.

"In a minute!" I heard a voice shout back. I peaked into the door to see Adam neatly folding and stacking the towels. That dork.


I asked Averman where I could find Charlie and he told me he was usually in his dorm room sleeping or playing games. I went to the boys dorm to find my brother on the floor with a popcorn bag in his lap. Disgusting pig.

"Hey Char," I said sitting next to him gingerly.

"Uh. Hi Eliza," He said back shoving popcorn in his mouth and running his hand threw his hair.

"So uh really random question but if someone were to take you...i don't know... on a date," he turned his head and raised his brows. "Where would you wanna go?" I finished and he took another bite of popcorn.

"Hm that's a hard one Liza,"

"Think about your favorite places and foods," I suggested. I needed answers here.

"Well I love the amusement park. Remember when we went with Mom and Guy and you were sick the entire time!" He laughed and  I punched him in the arm.

"Ahah laugh it up Conway," I said rolling my eyes. "Well if you were going on a date to the amusement park, who would you want to bring?" I asked. Honestly I didn't know what to expect here but it was worth a shot.

"Wait are you.. setting me up on a date?" He asked.

"What! No! These are just questions," I lied. OF COURSE I WAS SETTING HIM UP! He just didn't know who with.

"Okay... we'll if I was going on a date I would want someone nice, funny, smart, and I like blondes," He said. Blondes I see.

"Perfect thank you!" I hugged him and went on my way. He shook his head and went back to his food. Finally something was working out for someone.

ferris wheel || Julie Gaffney Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt