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I was awake bright and early the next day. Mostly because I got absolutely no sleeping thinking about the Eden Hall thing. Dean had also told me Coach wasn't even going to be there. Why should I show up if Coach doesn't?

"Okay guys get everything packed you don't wanna be late to the flight!" Coach yelled as he passed three the halls. I yawned and started shoving endless clothes into the suit case. This was the most fun i've ever had but also, I really missed home.

"Okay I'm ready," I busted out the door holding three heavy bags. I was the first one ready I supposed.

"Great job Eliza!" Coach gave me a pay on the back and a smile. He opened the rest of the dorm doors, waking everyone up.

After about 10 minutes of me standing there, Averman and Adam walked out with their luggage.

"Eliza we have been trying to wake up Charlie but he won't wake up. Any ideas?" Adam said giggling.

"Leave it to the pro," I said and stormed into the room. I saw my brother sleeping peacefully while everyone else was packing.

"Charlie? Wake up!" I yelled. Nothing. I remembered what mom used to say when we were younger to get him to wake up. It was a last resort but it would definitely work.

"Charlie!" I glanced at the boys and back at Charlie. I sighed. "Adam's coming over," I said in my best mom voice. Suddenly Charlie shot up.

"What when?" he said in a sleepy voice. When he woke up duly he realized Adam was right in front of him.

"Oh you lying piece of shit!" He said slapping my arm. Everyone busted out laughing. Charlie and Adam were both blushing and staring at each other.

"Quit it love birds we got a plane to catch," I said jokingly. Adam hit my arm and Charlie scowled at me. I smiled and walked off.


Breakfast was torture. The thought of having to leave the people I loved the most was eating me up inside.

"Good morning," Julie came over with her dish.

"Hey," I said gloomily.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I'm not going," I sighed.

"Not going where?"

"To Eden Hall," I let out a heavy breath. Her face suddenly dropped.

"What? Why not?"

"Because Julie. My family needs me. My mom is all alone at home and I need to be there with her," I gushed.

I've always been super close to my mom. Ever since Dad died, I've always been there for her. Before I got into hockey, I would always help her with Charlie and take him wherever he needed to be when she was working. I needed to be there for her now.

"I understand. I'm going to miss you so much though," She said putting her hand over mine. A tear fell from her cheek into her oatmeal and we both laughed at that.

"Guys! Come on flight is ready!"  Coach yelled.

"Hey Coach I actually got my own flight back home. I know we got the scholarships and everything but I felt I needed to be home," I told Coach. He nodded and gave me a hug before sending me off.

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