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The night of the victory was glorious. We had a huge party and everyone's worries slipped away. We were in the boy's dorm room with music and food and even Coach showed up. Everyone was having such a good time.

"Hey," Dean pulled me aside. Oh no this can not be good.

"I'll be right back," I pat Julie on the shoulder and go outside with him. The halls were bare and eerily quiet. "So what's up?"

"Well you didn't hear this from me but I over heard Coach and Miss McKay talking about how our entire team won a scholarship to Eden Hall High," He explained. My mouth fell open. I loved this team but I wanted to be in my home town, with my mom.

"Wow Dean that's cool. So are you gonna go?" I asked.

"I don't know yet I will have to wait and see how things play out. You?" I cringed at the question. This team was my everything. But so was my family back home. I was torn.

"Oh I will definitely think about it yeah," I said. "Im gonna get back to the party now," I said and slipped threw the door.

"Hey what was that about?" Julie came up to me.

"It was nothing i'm going back to the dorm Jules,"

"Are you alright? Do you need me to come with?" She asked kindly.

"No no you enjoy the party," She kissed my cheek and waved, disappearing into the crowded room.


There was no way I could go to Eden Hall and leave everything behind. And for 10 months straight? It was too much. I buried my face in my hands and shook my head.

I changed into my USA tank top and red plaid shorts. Crawling back into bed, I thought about my family back home. My mom, my cousins, my aunts and uncles. I missed them so much. I would be home soon. Just one more night.

Suddenly the door opened and it was Connie and Julie. I quickly flipped over in bed and pretended I was asleep.

"What happened to her?" I could hear Connie faintly.

"I don't know she just walked out!" Julie said.

"That's weird I hope she's okay," Connie said worried.

"Yeah..." I could feel footsteps coming towards me. Another set was headed to the bathroom. "Hey Eliza. I hope your okay. You can always talk to me you know that right," I turned over.

"Really?" I asked and she smiled.

"Yeah of course you can," She whispered. I heard the bathroom door open and Julie shot up to her feet. I smashed my face into the pillow. I could feel a hand putting my hair behind my ears.

The room went pretty silent until I could hear moving bed sheets. They were finally going to sleep.

"Good night Eliza. Good night Connie," Julie said turning the lamps off.

"Night girlies," Connie said turning over in her bed. How was I going to tell Julie I wasn't going to Eden Hall? This wasn't going to be easy but the only other time I could tell her was tomorrow.

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