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I was moving my feet so fast, trying desperately to get to the hotel. I pushed open the dorm door and plopped down on my bed.

"Come home early?" I jumped up as I heard a voice. It was Julie. She was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed.

"Julie! You scared me!" I felt guilty right away so I came to sit next to her. "Sorry, you gave me a fright is all," I said.

"It's okay you probably didn't expect to see me here," she answered.

"Why are you here... shouldn't you be with the team at breakfast?" I asked.

"I should ask you the same," she cleverly said back. She was good. I sighed and lay back on the bed.

"Me and Charlie got into an argument at the restaurant," I finally said. She looked at me and then lay back next to me. I froze up. "So why did you leave?" I asked her, trying to change the subject.

"It's a long story," she answered. I glanced down at my watch. It was 9:45 and the team wasn't supposed to be back until 10:30.

"I've got time," I shot back.

"Well I saw you and Charlie arguing so I wanted to go check up on you but Dean stopped me. He said it wasn't our problem and that we should let you guys handle it. I refused and tried walking over but then he yelled at me. In front of the whole restaurant!" I couldn't believe I was hearing this. Dean was a good guy and he wouldn't just blow up over that small problem. Something wasn't adding up.

"Oh Julie I'm sorry. Did he hurt you?" She seemed fine to me but I still wanted to ask.

"No no! Of course not Dean just has a strong temper," she snickered a little to defuse tension.

"But why did he just blow up over that small thing? I mean yeah he's got a temper but it just seems weird," I asked. I was sure there were more parts to the story that Julie wasn't telling me.

"I'm gonna go get something from downstairs, want anything?" She suddenly shot up and asked.

"Oh no i'm fine Julie but we could talk about this afte-" Before I could finish she was out the door. I was genuinely concerned for her. But a happy feeling welled up inside me. I just talked to Julie Gaffney, my crush without acting like a total idiot.


About an hour later I went down to go look for Julie but the whole team was at the arcade. Adam came up to me first.

"Hey! Liz where have you been?" He asked.

"Oh I was with Julie in the dorm but she came down to get something. She didn't come back so I went looking for her here," I explained.

"With Julie..." He repeated.

"Yeah but nothing happened," I said sadly.

"Oh well what happened with you and Charlie at breakfast?" I knew he would ask that.

"Oh he just blew up over nothing. You know he has a huge temper and all," I said.

"Well I thought it was pretty funny how you were embarrassing him out there. I even laughed," Adam giggled a bit and blushed again. What is with him and blushing?

"Haha yeah he got so red and mad! I was even trying not to laugh at times," I laughed along with Adam.

"Well if your looking for Julie, she's playing ski ball with Averman," I scanned the room and saw everyone having a good time playing arcade games, except for Dean. He was leaning on one of the pinball games just sulking. I decided it would be a good idea to go up to him. Even if I was a little scared of the guy.

"Hey Dean," I tried to be casual but he gave me a nasty look. "So...what are you doing over here. Why aren't you playing any games?" I asked.

"Games just aren't my thing Liza," he said.

"Well you seem a bit down. Anything happen today?" I asked. Even though I wasn't happy that Dean was dating my crush, he was still my teammate.

"Well I don't know man it's just Julie," he stared. "She has been acting weird recently. I don't know what's gotten into her," He kept saying about how Julie was always distant and never really open and honest with him.

"Well what has she been doing?" I asked.

"I don't know she had just been real secretive. I ask her where she is and she says she's with Averman or Jesse or Connie and then I find out they never went out. I don't know man," he finished. I sighed and looked him dead in the eyes. I didn't know how to help, I was new at this crush thing.

"Look I wish I could help you man. Who does Julie usually hang out with? Maybe I could ask them what she's been up to?" I suggested. All of a sudden, Dean's eyes lit up and I wasn't so scared of him anymore. He leaned in to hug me and man does he give the best hugs.

"So you'll do it?" he asked.

"Hell yeah i'll do it! I love being a detective," I exclaimed. He smiled, patted me on the back and walked out the arcade doors proudly.

"Hey Dean wait!" I ran after him.

"Huh?" he turned around.

"Could I tell anyone about this? I mean maybe I could ask Adam to help or something-"

"Look Liza, I would prefer if this just stayed between us," he said patting my head and turning away.

(This chapter absolutely sucks but I needed to introduce the interaction between Dean and Eliza :)

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