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"Oh my god Adam I have so much to tell you!" I ran over and sat next to him on the pool table.

"Yeah I got a lot of questions," He said. He took a swig of Pepsi and was ready to listen. So, I told him everything. From me liking Julie, then to what happened in the locker room. Then finally what happened in the dorms not even 20 minutes ago.

"And then Julie confirmed her and Dean dating," I sighed because I was completely out of breath. Adam looked like he just saw a ghost.

"So let me get this straight. You like Julie but her and Dean are dating and now Connie and Julie are trying to get you to date someone from the team?!" He said it perfectly. I was pretty surprised Adam didn't disown me after this one.

"So are you mad?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad Liz?" He sounded confused which confused me.

"Because I like Julie," I said.

"No... I mean she's pretty and all but not really my type," Adam said. He smiled and I gave him a slight shove in the elbow.

"Well I've told you everything. Got anything to tell me?" I asked. I was secretly hoping he would tell me who he liked. Maybe he would get the hint.

"Hm, I don't know Liz, you make my life exciting most of the time. Without you my life would be miserable!" Adam ranted. How was his life miserable? He lived in the biggest house in the neighborhood. He got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Me, my brother and my mom were crammed into a tiny little apartment while he's living it up? I began to get angry.

"How is your life miserable Adam Banks? Your living the dream while some of us cash in bottle caps for spare change!" I yelled. I don't know what got into me.

"Look Eliza I'm sorry I didn't mean..." he went on. I don't remember him ever calling me by my full name. The only people who did were Coach and Kenny which is super random. Everyone else called me Liza and Adam called me Liz. This was starting to get weird.

"No Adam I'm sorry. I just got a bit mad is all. Forgive me?" I explained. He shrugged and nodded. I put my arms around him and quickly pulled away. One thing about me is i'm a hugger.

"Well where were we?" I asked. "Oh you were gonna tell me something about your life," I remembered.

"Oh yeah well I guess I could tell you who I like. Promise you won't be mad at me?" He pleaded.

"Of course Adam,"

"Okay well...it's...Charlie, I like Charlie," His face fell into his hands. My hand went over my mouth so fast. Adam? Liking my brother? What does he see in him?


"Look I know you didn't expect it and I'm so sorry about this I should probably leav-" he started getting up from the pool table before I grabbed his sleeve.

"No stay. Just explain to me though. What do you see in my brother? I mean he's smelly, and loud and he takes way too long in the shower. He blasts his music so loud and dances around his room like a five year old," Adam was blushing and laughing at all of this. I started laughing with him.

"So, your not mad that your best friend has a crush on your brother," he asked.

"Mad? Not at all! This is great Adam!" he looked confused.

"Great? I don't know about great," he reassured.

"No no this is great because I can give you tips on how to ask him out!" I jumped up from the pool table with my arms in the air.

"That's nice and all Liz but what if he's not into guys?" Adam asked.

"Adam are you serious? Have you ever watched The Outsiders with my brother? He practically drools over these guys! (😏😏) After we watched the movie he asked me where he can watch it again because he was fangirling over Dally. The kid is 100% into guys," I said laughing. Adam's eyes filled with joy and he began to blush and laugh.

"Thank you so much Liz," Adam hopped off the pool table and gave me a long hug with his head on my shoulder. I never realized how tall he was. I took the last sip of my Pepsi and glanced at my watch. 11:45. Wow we were talking for a while. It was nice talking to Adam about everything. He seemed to like talking to me too, even though he's very quiet most of the time.

I tossed my Pepsi and the empty chip bag into the trash and started heading for the door.

"Bye Adam see you tomorrow. It was great talking to you, we have to do this again!" I yelled back at him. He waved and turned around the pick up the crumbs on the pool table.

On my way back, I was doing some thinking. What if Adam said that his life would be miserable because he was gay? Could that be why he has such a bad relationship with his dad? I almost zoned out and hit a wall when a man stopped me. I continued down the hall and to the right when I came to our hallway. I left the dorm door jammed a bit so I could get back in. I slid around the door and slipped my converse off. My zip up came off along with my watch and necklaces. I quickly climbed into bed before anybody saw.

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