Chapter 2: Forest. Cherrygrove and Castallia City!

Start from the beginning

When they reached the Pinsir's territory, they suddenly noticed something in a tree. It was a Pinsir, but bigger.

"Do Pinsir grow that big?" Misty asked a little scared.

"No they don't," Woodruff answered, "besides that Pinsir isn't even real. That's a robot Pinsir and it is sucking out the tree sap from that tree."

"But who would build something like that?" Luna asked.

Suddenly a man came out of the tree and was laughing. "It was clever of me to build this machine," he said to himself, "with all this sap that I'm collecting, I'll be rich after selling."

Woodruff stepped forward, looking very cross, "You will be in jail too!" He shouted angrily, "How dare you use nature for a selfish reason."

"That's right!" Luna shouted, "Because of you the balance of nature is in trouble."

"So what?" The man smirked, "as long as this stuff makes me money, nothing else matters." The man threw five pokeballs and five Beedrill came out of them. "Attack them." He commanded.

Luna and Tomo had Pichu, Zorua and Growlithe attack the Beedrill with thunderbolt, shadow ball and flamethrower. Then Misty had her Gloom attack the robot Pinsir with solar beam.

The man tried to get away with all the sap he collected, but he got stopped by the wild Pinsir.

Woodruff tied the man up with rope. "You're under arrest for sabotaging a forest." He said.

So in the end the man got arrested and was sent to jail and the Pinsir got their forest back, and the Heracross and Butterfree could finally live in peace in their forest again.

"I can't thank you kids enough," Woodruff said to the gang, "thanks to your help the forest is safe again. And hopefully it will stay like that."

"Me too." Brock said.

Suddenly the Heracross, which had been following the group, stepped forward.

"Hey it's that same Heracross." Brock said.

"What is it doing here?" Tomo asked.

Luna had a thought. "Do you want to come with us Heracross?" She asked.

Heracross nodded its head to say yes.

"I thought so." Luna smiled. She through a PokéBall at Heracross and captured it. "All right I caught a Heracross!"

After capturing Heracross, the gang said goodbye to Woodruff and left the forest to continue to Violet City.


After traveling through a forest, the gang made it to a city called Cherrygrove City.

"This seems a good place to relax a bit." Brock said.

Just then they heard someone shouting, "Stop thief!"

Then a small, furry Pokémon with a big round body, stubby arms, and two small feet. Its fur is light brown, and it has a tail with dark brown stripes that it uses to stand on to see if there is danger nearby. It has long dark brown ears, a white ring on its belly, and white paw pads. Running on a all four legs, ran past them.

"What was that?" Misty gasped.

A middle aged man ran up to them, "Did you see that Sentret run by here?" He asked.

The gang pointed the way the Pokémon ran and the man continued to run.

Luna blinked, "What was that all about?" She asked.

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