Chapter 17

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I immediately hopped off the car and stormed towards him when Kagerou stopped me.

"what the fuck? You're actually gonna approach him like this?" he pulled me away from the two then into a small alley.

"LET ME GO. I'LL KILL THAT BITCH THEN KILL MYSELF AFTER" I shrugged his hand off of mine.

Then he said something that made me stop.

"you think your revenge would be worth it like that?"


No, it wont. I want him to suffer the most cruel way possible. Killing him alone is not enough for him to pay for all of the things he had done to me.

BUT STILL. I found him now after 10 years only to realize that he killed... The one and only person I've opened up after keeping my past all to myself for years... You think i could wait?

Kagerou sighed then slowly approached me," I know you're still in shock about everything that has happened today so I need you to calm down first"

He slightly pushed my chin up, forcing me to look straight in his eyes, "I know you can come up with a better plan than this because that's the type of person i trained you to be." he bent over then whispered, "dont dissapointed me. I want to see a good show"

I just nodded.

"good," he smiled then lead the way first, "for now, let's sleep. I'm tired of baby sitting you all Day"

I rolled my eyes but followed nonetheless.

I was up all night thinking about everything that happened today.

It still doesn't sink in.... That Nobume is Dead. How....

"*sigh* how am i gonna tell the others....."


Woo Il's POV

The next day, Nobume and Oboro was nowhere to be found.

"why are they absent today? Espacially Nobume," Vittoria worried, "she's been missing since yesterday. Shouldnt we call the cops?"

"that wouldn't be good for the team," Jùnhóng answered," most of us here have History."

"but—..... What if something bad happened to Nobume—"

"will you PLEASE SHUT UP?" I snapped, "nothing happened. What could possibly happen."

Why do all keep saying something bad happened to them. Everything is normal. You can take a day off when you want, right? Its totally normal....

"...yeah,he's right," Eirene agreed, "let's just wait for Oboro. I'm sure she knows why Nobume is absent"


Its totally normal.

The day passed and the two still didnt show up. I started panicking.

Wait. Why am I panicking? What does it have to do with me.

"should we go check on their houses again?" Jùnhóng suggested.

"yeah. Let's do that,"

We arrived at Nobume's place but no one is around.

(agh...i feel so stupid while writing this.... NOBUME IS DEAD!!!!!!)

"huh.... There is no sign of anyone passing by. Didnt Nobume come back home last night?" Jùnhóng asked.

"dont you remember? We all went home before Oboro comes back," Vittoria said

".... Maybe the two is at Oboro's house," Eirene said , trying not to make the others panic.

"yeah. Let's go check it out"

Please be there. Please be there. Please be there.

We went to Oboro's house only to find out that the lights were off, indicating that no one is inside.

"this is getting really weird," I tried to laugh my nervousness off and went approached the door, "... Huh?"

No one is home but the door is open.

"why? What is it?" Vittoria asked.

I didnt answer and proceed to open it and went inside.

Maybe they're just playing a prank on us? Well it better be

I froze when i saw a shadow figure of someone from one of the rooms.

"hey, who's there," I called then the shadow disappeared, accompanied by a loud sound of  shattering glass.

When i entered the room, the man already escaped.

"what...The actual fuck is going on..."

"hey! We heard that. What happened," the other came rushing in the room

"... There was someone here. I dont know what is he doing but he was going through Oboro's things"

"a robber?“Vittoria asked.

" I'm not sure, "I shrugged.

"... Let's keep an eye here until Oboro comes ba—"

As soon as Eirene turned, she was greeted by Oboro's shocked face.


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