Chapter 12

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"he's..... A son of a Bitch"

"why? What did he do?"

"..... When i was a kid, I had a very healthy and happy life....." I lit another stick, "... And he took that away from me"

"ah..... Can you tell me what happened?"


".... You dont have to tell me if you dont want. I respect your privacy," she curled up and hugged her knees.

".... My father works for that guy before. Not the Underground one. I mean a company that his family owns. My father is an office Worker there.... He was very hard-working, he loves helping people, he is kind, and he loves his family so much. Then...."

I stopped to control my emotions.

Damn, this alcohol is making me feel weak.

" then one day, he caught my mom cheating on him with another guy from his office. Because of the feeling of betrayal and anger, he almost killed the guy and it turns out, that guy was the son of the owner of the company he's working at."

Nobume looked at me in shock

" they didnt press charge against my Dad but they made him pay with his life. Back then, my father didnt know they have an Underground business... He went missing for a whole week until there was a news aired that a boat sank on its way to (name of Island) and my father was in that boat.... Which is ironic because my father hates the sea so much that he wouldn't even take a step near the port." I tried to laugh it out.

" then the next day, my mom left me and ran off with that son of a Bitch, yadda-yadda-yadda..." then I faced her," then we met at the orphanage"

"...... I didnt know you had to go through all of that at such a Young age."

I just rolled my eyes, "I dont need your sympathy"

"oh come on. I'm trying to be Nice here..."

I just laughed

".... Actually, I feel bad for my Dad. He loved us so much but when the time he needs someone to comfort him, I didnt...."

"its not your fault you were to Young to understand what was happening."

"that's the point. I am angry at myself because I dont know anything at the time my Dad needs help.... My poor Dad....." I sighed.

".... Do you need a hug?" Nobume offered.

"fuck off. I said, I dont want your meaningless symlathy"

She just laughed, "what? Meaningless? I'm serious here! You dont want a hug from me? This might be the last time I'll offer a hug. This is SINCERELY from the heart. Come on"

I looked at her, "..... Go hug your self"

"wow... How rude," she scoffed and really did hug herself

"how do you expect me to react? I grew up not having a family. You evil spawn," she rumbled

"*laughs*—ow! Shit! That fucking hurts...." I hissed when My cigarette fell on my leg.

"HAHAHA!!! that's what you get~"

"ha... This Bitch is getting cockier day by day. C'mere. Let me just slap you once to bring back that fear you had from me back in the days. Come here"

"a-aahhh I'm sorry," she cant stop giggling.

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