Chapter 5

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Oboro's POV

After an hour or two, we went back to the room where we kept mr. Han.

"....please. If your just gonna force me to say something i didnt do, just kill me already," he said lethargically.

I looked at the others, hoping they know what should we do.

"uh...." Eirene whispered something in Nobume's ear.

They looked at each other with lightbulbs above their head.

What are they thinking?

"Uhm.... Sure we could do that but what about the people you are protecting?" Nobume said.

Mr. Han flinched.


"it doesn't matter how we knew," Nobume continued," did you really think minwoo (competitor) would save your family from us just because you did them a favor? Man, they would USE your family against you so that you'd be their dog."

" H-he promised," he sobbed," he said, this will be a one time thing only"

"and you believe him? There's no one in this world who you can trust. Dont delude yourself"

"no.... No..."

".... Just say the word and we can help you. You know what is it that we want to hear"

"*sobbing* no...."

Damn... It doesn't sound like Nobume's talking at all. Its like she's a different person.

"you've come this far to protect your family. You dont want to parties eyeing your family right?"

"n-no... No!"

"So let me ask you a question. Do you want us to hunt you and your family down or minwoo's people to hunt you down? Choose wisely"

" I have to trust them. I-i won't —...... I wont give in. I wont sell them out"

I felt chills down to my spine when Nobume smiled, "*scoff*heh... You just did though"

In surprise, mr. Han raised his head to look at us

"you just confirmed you really have connection with Kang Minwoo," Nobume laughed," I guess, its a 'goodbye family' for you HAHAHAHAHAHA"

In panic, mr. Han screamed his innocence.

"NO!!!! I-I DIDN'T!!! I DONT KNOW THEM!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs while watching us leave the room.

as soon as we close the door, Nobume collapsed

"oh my god, I just used 3 years of my life span there," then and there, Nobume went back to her usual self, "I really thought i was gonna die"

".... Bitch, is that really you?" Vittoria pinched her cheeks, "were you possessed awhile ago? I honestly thought you're more dangerous than Oboro back there"

"what do you mean? My heart was about to explode awhile ago. I even thought to kill myself if Eirene's plan didnt work," Nobume said while dusting her pants

"So, are you okay now?" Eirene asked.

"uh...yeah.yeah,im good."

"okay then now lets go."

"now that we confirmed that Kang minwoo took the money, we just have to figure out how to get it back," Jùnhóng said, "Vittoria, you go report to Director Creed. Woo Il, you go call for people to guard the room. Dont let him escape"

"got it," Woo Il Answered.

"the four of Us investigates"

"okay," we answered.

The we headed back to the office

"I'm sorry. I failed to ask him where we could find the money," Nobume sighed.

"that's okay," I assured her, "at least we confirmed that minwoo has the money"

"but seriously, what's wrong with them? Are they declaring War?" Eirene said.

"maybe they are but the wisest thing we can do is to avoid it," Jùnhóng said, "in terms of wealth and power, we are at an advantage but when it comes to Men..... We have no Men. Not enough to counter them, that is."

"I just hope this ends as soon as possible," Nobume sighed.

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