Chapter 7

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We left the office when the sedative completely  took over Nobume's mind.

Then we went on to our business.

"please dont be someone loyal again," Vittoria hoped

I chuckled, "I hope he's a wuss"


"eh? That wont be fun," Woo Il said, "there's no thrill."

" about we let him run then we chase him? Who ever catches him wins,"i suggested

" Uhm..... What's the prize?"

" 10 bucks each person"

"hey, that's not fair. I dont have 10 bucks with me right now," Vittoria interrupted us.

"then you pay when we get back. Easy," Woo Il answered.


"*evil laugh* Nice. 40 bucks in one night," he let out a low laugh.

"dont get too cocky," I said, "remember, you're also playing with me"

"way to go, betting on some guy," Eirene sighed.

"we're here," Jùnhóng announced.

We all hopped off the car and walked towards a small green house.

"is this it?" I asked.

"yeah," Woo Il answered.

I knocked on the door three times and waited for a response but there's none.

"... Did he ran away already?"

Then the door slowly opened, not wide enough to reveal the whole face of the man who opened it.

..... Is this him? He looks like he's expecting someone bad.

"yes?" he answered, almost inaudibly.

"are you mr. Lee sang min?" I asked.


"can we talk to you for a minute?"

He stayed silent for a whole minute the said, "wait a second."

He again close the door and we can hear the lock clicking.


Then suddenly we heard a loud crash of a window glass beside the house accompanied by a heavy thud.

"....well! He's on the run!" my eyes widened in excitement.

We saw him running towards the open highway behind his house

"RUN, BITCH! RUN!!! HAHA!!" Woo Il shouted

The man shivered and ran faster.

Fuck,he is a coward but he's a Runner!

"ooooh! Damn Bro! he's a Runner, he's a track star~" Woo Il teased.

"damn it!" I cursed under my Breath.

"*huff* running's not my forte," Eirene breathed heavily but still pushed herself to run.

I looked at Woo Il and that fucker is still high in energy.

Lee sang min suddenly took a sharp right, surprising us.

Agh... Fuck. That ruined my shoe.

I will DEFINITELY catch you and will use that money to buy a new one.

I boosted myself up until there's only a meter distance between us.

He gasped and purposely pushed the trash bin towards us to serve as an obstacle. It hit me right below the knee, causing me to lose balance because of the pain.

"YOU." I gritted my teeth,"YOU'RE DEAD."

"Woo-hoo! This is Nice! Go for it Oboro!" Woo Il cheered while keeping near me.

I threw a Rock at him and it hit him right on the ankle, "AH!" he shouted in pain and tried his best to limp away from us but didnt succeed.

Woo Il launched himself at Lee sang min,"I caught him! Man, you're a fast Runner. I never felt so alive!"

"l-let me go!" he cried in despair.

"hey you," I stopped to catch my breath, " let's split the money in half. To be honest, you wouldn't catch him if it weren't for me"

"heh? That's not the deal. You saw it right? I was the one who caught him." he asked Eirene and Vittoria, "dont tell me you dont have money, that's why"

"tch. I just tried to bargain to see if it'll work. Guess that only works with Jùnhóng," I mumbled the last sentence

Then a car stopped behind us.

"oh? You weren't running with us awhile ago?" Woo Il asked Jùnhóng.

"oh. About that. I thought i would win if i use the car but i got stuck looking for the keys," he smiled in embarrassment.

"..... I saw you not taking it out from the keyhole though," Eirene said.

He just laughed shyly.

".... Wow, ang bobo."


"I said, you're handsome"

"I dont think—"

"enough! We should hurry back," Eirene changed the topic

I took one last glance at Lee sang min. He locked eyes with me then shivered


I took off my ripped shoe and bonked him on the head with it, "motherfucker."

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