Chapter 4

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[the next day]

"*huff* *huff*.... I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE STAIRS!!!" I screamed in frustration yet continue to climb.

"oi, weakling. Didnt expect you to Come to work today," early in the morning, Woo Il started teasing me.

"stop messing with me," I huffed.

"is your body okay? I know that push was soft but considering you BMI—"

"will you just continue your way?!" I swung my bag at him and it hit him on the shoulder," go! Shoo!"

"....hey why are you weaker than before?"  I'm not sure why but it almost sound like he is not making fun of me.

As if he's genuinely concerned.

".....what do you think?! I'm climbing 14 floors!"


"... Whatever. Just go! Don't wait for me and just go first," I said but he didnt move a muscle.

".... Fine. I'll go first. God...." I sighed while continuing my way up.

After a step or two, he walked past me, taking my bag from me.

" you look like shit so I'm doing you a favor for now," he said and went first.

"....*scoff* no thank you," I said sarcastically.

" just shut up and take your time, weakling"

".... What the hell is wrong with that jerk? Is his brain infested by worms or something?"

I shrugged then continue my way up.

"hey Nobume! Are you feeling fine now?" Vittoria asked as soon as i enter the room

"uh....yeah. Im fine now," I smiled while swing my arms to show them that i am okay.

"Where's Woo Il?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, he went to pantry," she answered while looking at her laptop, "and you're bag is already placed on your table"

"oh, Okay. Thanks," I went straight to my desk and found my bag on top.

I even found an energizer drink beside it.

'drink up old hag. It was painful watching you climb the stairs'

That jerk......

I dunno if he's genuinely corncerned or if he's just making fun of me.

Nonetheless, I just want to punch him in the face.

Coincidentally, he entered the office.

"oh? You're here. Took you long enough HAHAHA"

"YOU......*sigh* we should be kind to Animals," I told myself.

"EXCUSE ME????" He directed his attention to me.

Eirene, being able to hear us from the corner, laughed under her Breath.

Then Oboro ang Jùnhóng entered the office together, holding a document on one hand.

"oh. You're done. What did mr. Han say? Did he confess?" Vittoria asked

"no," Oboro answered, "he kept denying and said he never had any contact with kang minwoo (a competitor)"

"oh really? Damn, we wasted a day waiting for him to wake up," Woo Il said.

Last night, we werent able to question him because he fainted(and nearly died) in the trunk.

Why do I feel gulity? 😂

"then what are we gonna do now?" Eirene asked.

"I dunno. We HAVE to force him to confess," Oboro smirked.

"ooh, how about we rip of his nails?" I suggested,"or stuff a pin under the nails"

Everyone, I mean EVERYONE flinched just by imagining the pain you'll get from ripping of the nails.

"ASAKURA! I didnt expect that coming from you!" Vittoria exclaimed.

I laughed, "what? I got the idea from the series i was watching"

"okay, we kill people but we DO NOT stuff pins under nails," Eirene strongly object.

"okay sheesh"

"let's see what happens for now. If he still doesn't cofess later, we'll have to force him," Jùnhóng said and went straight to his desk.

"okay," we answered.

I started at my computer for a minute while playing with my chair.

"...... Oi, Woo Il"


I gave him an oat bar, "thanks for carrying my bag awhile ago"

He started for a good minute before averting his gaze to his laptop, "whatever." he blushed.

....... WAI—WHAT?

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