Chapter 15

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I left the house and went to Nobume's location.

"i'm here. Where are you?" I texted her

I looked around and saw her curled up beside a pile of logs.

"Nobume," I called.

She lifted her head and immediately Ran towards me crying, "Oboro-san...."

"why? What happened? Why are you hiding here?"

She calmed herself first before answering.

[what happened]

Nobume's POV

I left the house early for work because its my birthday. Im excited.

"am i too early?" I looked at my watch.

Its 7 00.

"they'd be surprised to see me inside," I giggled and entered the building

On my way to our office, I heard someone talking.

"Isnt that director Creed's voice? Who is he talking to?" I decided to follow the Voice out of curiosity and saw Director creed talking to a man in a Suit. They were being followed by two bodyguards

Huh? Who is that person? I cant see his face

I peeked quietly then suddenly i heard a gunshot from behind me.

The two were also startled and turned to look at my Direction. Their eyes went wide in shock.

Wait... Are they—

"t-that's not me," I put my hands up


"I swear it wasnt—AH!" I screamed and covered my ears in fear when one of the bodyguards tried to shoot me but missed.

RUN. I have to hide

I immediately ran down the stairs and went into hiding


Back to Oboro's POV

" So they are hunting you now, is that it?" I cleared

She nooded.

"... Then why didnt you tell them it wasnt you who tried to shoot the President?"

"they wouldn't listen! I tried telling them but they  tried to shoot me too!"

"... Let's go back together. We'll talk to them for you," I tried to take her by the arm but she shrugged me off, "no! They will think you're my accomplice"

".... Then what do you want to do? You want to be on the run forever?"

She curled up and hugged her knees.

"... *sigh* okay. We wont tell them. For now, let's go to my house and see what happens Tomorrow"

"... Okay," she sniffed one last time the stood up.

On our way out, we heard a group of people getting near our location.

"its here. I heard then here,"

Nobume gasped and went ran away.

"where are you goi—...Nob— hey!!!"

"I heard someone there!"

They started running towards Nobume's Direction.

"oh shit...." I followed


Nobume flinched, "I really didnt do anything!!!"

Wait— she's eunnign towards a cliff!


She stopped at the end of the cliff, hopelessness is radiating from her.

"..... IT REALLY WASNT ME!!!" she fell on her knees and bailed her heart out


Then I saw one of them pointing a gun at her.


I was about to stop that guy when someone pulled me by the arm, making me turn around.

I tried to look back at Nobume but he held me by the sides of my head, covering my ears—looking straight into my eyes. Telling me not to listen


Shivers went down to my spine.


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