Chapter 10

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For the whole week, we went to check every property mr. Han owns yet the money is still no where to be seen.

"remind me why we dont check his bank account again?" Woo Il asked.

"because his bank account is empty," Jùnhóng answered.

"ah.... Right...."


"... We only have 2 days...." Vittoria said

We all sighed in defeat.

"that's why I am getting ready to leave the country," Woo Il said.

" that's why your things are vanishing one by one," Nobume pointed his desk.


".... You jerk."

"alright. That's enough," I fixed my lunch box and stood up, "continue your work"

"yes," they answered in chorus and started fixing their things.

"can i have that last sausage?" (Nobume)

" *eats sausage*" (Woo Il)

"Han Woo Il, you pretty jerk!"

"stop it, you two" (Eirene)


"oh, right. Nobume's birthday is right around the corner, right?do you have any plans for that day?" Vittoria asked.

"uh..... Honestly, I forgot about my birthday so," Nobume chuckled shyly.

".... Then why dont we hang out? Of course. After this mission. But let's do it!"

"are you sure we will make it to her birthday?" Woo Il pessimisstically asked, "we only have 2 days before Director Creed starts to hunt us, y'know"

"hey, dont say that," Eirene said, "of course we will be able to find it before the deadline"

Woo Il just shook his head.

"anyway, what do you want to receive for your birthday?" the two(Vittoria and Eirene) asked

"I dont know....."

"oh come on. I'm sure you have something you wish for? What do you always wish for as a kid?"

"Uhm.... I really dont want anything. I just want to life a long life"

Woo Il scowled, "ew. That's something a mid-30s woman, who's afraid to become a senior Citizen, would wish for"

"what do you care? I plan to live until im old and wrinkly," Nobume rolled her eyes at him.

I chuckled while imagining a wrinkly Nobume.

"that's not it," Vittoria said, "we're talking about objects here. what do you want as a Gift?"

"hmm............ Hmmmmmmm........."

Nobume's ears started to steam.

"...o-okay. Okay. No need to Rush it. There's still a lot of time to think about it"

after a minute or two, we arrived at our destination.

".... Okay. This is the property he owns," Jùnhóng took a deep Breath.

It is a not-so-big land where an unfinished building stands. From the looks of it, i think it will be a commercial building or something.

"..... Should we go now?" Woo Il asked.

".... Okay, " I took the first step forward and everyone followed.

The construction was stopped for some reason that's why no one is around. Maybe because mr. Han is now Dead.

We turned the whole place upside down and yet, we havent found anything.

"nothing?" I asked Jùnhóng and he shook his head in disappointment.

"*sigh*........let's go check the last one "

we continued discussing in the car.

"we checked every land he owns but it is no where to be found. This last property is our last hope"

"..... What if he made another bank account in other person's name and deposited the money there?" Nobume asked.

".....but you've seen the cctv footage around his apartment, right?" Woo Il said," when he went back to his house, he never went outside for a month before we caught him."

"right. He was out for about 3 hours before arriving home..."

3 hours..... New bank account.....wait—

"hey, can we drop by at the hide out?(where they kept mr. Han and Lee sang min locked up) I need to check on something" I said.

"Huh? Oh. Okay," Jùnhóng made a quick u-turn.

"why? What is it?" Eirene asked.

"I just remembered something. Mr. Han stopped by at Lee sang min's house before going home, right?"

Everyone's eyes went wide in realization.

"fuck! We forgot about that!" Woo Il exclaimed.

"assuming he was with Lee sang min during that 3 hours, they must've teamed up and opened a new bank account to hide the money"

"So it means, the two were toying us!" Vittoria said, "what the hell. I feel like shit"

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