Chapter 2

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"we'll leave in 30 minutes," Eirene reminded.

"understood," we answered in chorus.

"hey Oboro-san, let's go to the rooftop," I invited.

"no. It's a waste of energy," she sternly replied.

"pleaaaaaaseee~ the rooftop view is best at night," I insisted.

"... Fine," she sighed, taking a box of cigarette with her.

"yes!" I said while taking a can of coffee and a biscuit from my drawer.

Then off we go.

"hey, you two! Where are you going?!" Vittoria asked.

"rooftop!" I answered while rushing outside.

"wow, there are a lot of stars tonight," I learned on the rails.

Oboro followed and lit a cigarette.

"...... Haaaa....." I sighed while looking at the buildings and cars below.




".....why is it that this building is the tallest building around here but it doesnt have an elevator?"

My question caught Kusanagi off guard, causing her to choke on her own saliva," w-where the fuck did that (question) came from? *cough* *cough*"

I just giggled in oblivion.

"*sigh* this is Nice," I sighed in content," the view calms my nerves"

".... Why. Are you nervous of tonight's event?"

"i dunno. Maybe?"

"..... Well you have to get used to it sooner or later. I mean, this is our line of work"

"yeah. It's just that...." I stopped and looked at her, "hey. Its not everyday you get to see a lifeless body infront of you, you know"

She stared at me,"... Uhm... We do though...?"

"......Well you're right about that," I looked back at the view.


" did I end up in a gang?" I asked myself.

"i dunno. But i know why i did," she said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes," yes yes. It's my fault. It's my fault you were bailed out of Jail"

She just chuckled.

" oh right. I remember. You looked like a mashed potato at that time," I laughed," your face is a mess HAHAHAHAHAH"

"shut up. Im not worse than you. You look like an ostrich"

"ostrich??? How the hell did I look like an ostrich?"

"you had your head down like you have some sort of a neck-disorder because you were so afraid to look at police officers' eyes," she said while doing an impersonation of sadako

"i did not," I denied.

"and I dunno if you're purposely acting cute or you're just shy.... Or guilty..."she looked at me and shrugged(cringed)," I cant bare to look at you"

"I-i did not!"

"yes you did" she teased.

I just rolled my eyes in defeat.

" know what? I was ready to give up on my life that time. So...." she looked at me straight in the eyes, "..... Your timing is the worst"

I scoffed, "I-isn't that a good thing? I STOPPED you from giving up on your life!"

"didnt you hear what I said? I said I have no reason to live. How do you expect me to go on? GoD pRoVidEs?" She smiled and took another stick of cigarette,"...well, thanks to you, i found another reason to continue. Having revenge, that is"

I paused.


"right now i haven't made a progress though," she said, "I still dont know where those bastards are. And i still need to look for a way to fuck them up completely"

".... Huh.... I wish you succeed then," I snickered.

"*laugh* you're a bad friend. A good friend stops you from doing something ilegal and yet you asked me to join a gang with you and now  you wish me to succeed on my revenge? Look how bad of an influence you are," Kusanagi laughed

"what can I do? You saw everyone who's working for the gang. Getting punched by them wont be a laughing matter. I needed an ally. I WAS D.E.S.P.E.R.A.T.E"

She squinted her eyes, "the others should be afraid of you, not me"

I just laughed with her.

I subconsciously looked at my phone for the time and gasped, "what the—! 40 minutes has passed!"

"holy fuck! That fast?!"

We raced down the stairs, leaving our trash at the rooftop.

"where the heck have you two been?! We're late by 20 minutes!" Vittoria asked in a high-pitch tone.

Meanwhile, neither Oboro nor i can answer since we sprinted 16 floors to reach the ground.

"If the target gets away, we're blaming you two," Woo Il said while they get in the van.

"*huff* *huff* elevator is a must," Oboro told me.

"*huff* right? *huff*"

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