Chapter 8

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While on our way back to the hideout, we decided to start interrogating him.

"Where's the money?" Woo Il asked

"I-i dont know"

He slapped him hard on top of the head, "where is it?"

"I seriously don't know! Mr. Han has it!"

"mr. Han said he doesn't know. You also dont know. Were you two brainwashed by Kang minwoo or something? Did they remove a memory from you two?"

"I swear mr. Han knows! He only stopped by my house that night to confused people up! He said, someone will surely follow him so he stopped by at my house to make you think that he left the money with me! I'm telling the truth! You can turn my house upside down, you wouldn't find even a single penny!"

"werent you a part of their team?" Vittoria asked.

"I-im not! I only knew him because we were old neighbors until he moved out i didnt even know he was working for a gang!"

" you're saying mr. Han know where the money is?"

"yes! Probably. I overheard him talking to someone on his phone asking where he'll hide it. He probably hid it in one of his properties"

So were back to mr. Han...

"we still need to hold you until we clear our suspicion so for the mean time, you stay here first," we locked him up in the room beside mr. Han's.

"no please! I'm innocent!!!"

"Im sorry," I bowed and shut the door.

I turned around only to see Eirene frozen by the door frame of mr. Han's room. Her eyes are wide open in horror.

"what's wrong?" I tapped her shoulder and took a peek inside—

"W-what—" my jaw dropped

It was a mess inside.

Mr. Han is dead—being surrounded by a pool of his own blood.

"w-what happened here," I approached him slowly, "go call Jùnhóng"

"okay," then Eirene went out.

He was choked to death by a guitar string. It was so thin that it sliced his neck.

"what the fuck's happening...."

Nobume's POV

The next day, I woke up in the office.

Huh? Didnt Eirene take me to her house?

I looked at myself and found out I'm still wearing the clothes i wore yesterday.


Then someone busted the door open," oh. You're awake." Woo Il said.

"take this and follow me," he gave me a small plastic bag with a cream bread in it.

Without giving me time to process what's happening, he pulled me with him.

"oh, you're awake," we met Oboro on our way


...why are they rushing?

"...uhm...di-did something happened last night?" I asked.

".... Mr. Han was killed. We still dont know who did it that's why everyone was up all night looking for the killer," Oboro answered.

"wait—killed?" my eyes opened wide in shock, "how? I mean I thought someone was guarding the door"

"unfortunately, someone sneaked in mr. Han's room last night while we were gone. We're trying to find out who that is"

At this point, I dont know what to reply so I kept quiet and followed the two.

"we're here," Woo Il announced.

Eirene, Vittoria and Jùnhóng were already inside the room together with two men from the gang

"are they the ones in charge last night?" Oboro asked.

"yeah. It was their schedule last night," Eirene answered.

Oboro approached them and asked, "so what happened? Why are you not guarding the door."

They looked at each other before one of them answered.

"b-because someone called us, saying she's Director Creed. That time, the lights went out and that 'Director Creed' ordered us to go check the power room so we did"

"..... And you believed that caller?" Woo Il scoffed.


"listen to me, you dumb motherfuckers. First of all Director Creed is a 'HE' not a 'she'. Second of all, IF THEY NEED SOMEONE TO CHECK THE ELECTRICITY, IT WOULDNT BE YOU TWO!!!" he kicked them right in the stomach," you two were supposed to guard this FUCKING door!"

"hey! Hey, stop it!" Jùnhóng held him back.

"Woo Il, stop it." Oboro ordered," that's enough"

"we know... We're sorry!" the two bowed—heads are touching the ground

"forget it." she answered.

"What do you mean 'forget it'?!?! Its not them who will get punished, IT'S US!!!" Woo Il protested.

"well we cant do anything now!" Oboro snapped," is blaming anyone gonna put mr. Han back to life?!"

Woo Il sighed in frustration

".... Dont worry. I'll take responsibility," Oboro said and left the room.

..... What do I do?

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