Chapter 3

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After a 10 minute drive, we arrived at the apartment our target is saying at.

He knows he's on the run and still chose to hide in his apartment... Is this what happens when a Human uses 0% of his brain?

".... You bust the door open," Jùnhóng nudged Woo Il

Woo Il couldn't say no and kicked the door open.

"W-WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" he jumped out of the couch, pulling a gun out of his robe's pocket.

"mr. Han, I suppose you have the money now. Where is it?" Jùnhóng said in a deep serious tone.

Damn. His voice is sexy—NO. ITS NOT SEXY AT ALL.

"did the president send you all? I already settled things with your boss. Call him to double-check if you dont believe me!" he said in a stubborn way.

The six of us remained quiet. Not because of defeat but because what he says is a 100% lie.

None of us know the President. And he doesn't give his contact number to anyone in the gang except when he needed to.

So to think that he talked it out with this small merchant, it does not make any sense.

"sir han, you need to come with us. We need to ask you something," Eirene said.

"for what?! I already told you! I already talked to your boss!"

"its not because of that. We have to ask you about something important but we cant do it here because of the risks"

".... No. Im not going anywhere. Call your boss and ask him to come here"

"I believe we cant do that."

"stop fucking with me! Where's the Director?! Who"'s your team Leader?! I demanda you to step forward!"

Huh? Team Leader?

The six of us looked at each other, all are throwing 'who's-our-Leader?' stares.

We've been working well without anyone taking a lead so we were caught off guard.

Woo il suddenly nudged me forward.

" h-Huh? Me? I-i mean, ahem! its me, " I tried to sound convincing," please cooperate with Us and dont make us resort to violence"

"you?" he looked down on me (literally), "HA!"

He pushed me hard, making me fall on my back.

'What did I do to deserve this???' i fake cried in my thoughts.

I was trying to be nice—

My train of thoughts were disturbed when i felt a black aura thickening and occupying the whole room.

"HOW. DARE. YOU." Oboro glared down at the poor shivering old man

Oh boy....

"I guess the 'peaceful and no violence' Cooperation is no where to be found..."




" it really okay to put him in the trunk?" I tried to break the silence," I mean, y'all already shove him in a sack. Can he Breathe? What if he dies even before we can question him? "

" just worry about yourself, will ya?!" Woo Il  squeeze the half the bottle of alcohol on the  wound on my elbow.

"OW!" I hissed

"look at this. You bleed just because of a weak push. You're too frail. If we ended up in a War againts the other groups, mark my words. I will leave you behind to die," he said while dabbing the cotton buds furiously.

"okay! Okay. I get it. But....can you please do it gently...." I cried.


"..... DID I ASK YOU TO DO IT FOR ME?!" I retorted," Sheesh fine! I'll do it myself!"

"*sigh* are you really okay, Nobume?" Eirene asked, "you dont have any other wounds?"

i shook my head, "im fine. My back just hurts a bit. Hehe"

".... Im really going to kill that fucker," Woo Il  raged.

"stop it. I'm starting to sense something fishy,"  Vittoria smirked while looking at the two of Us.

"........ EW," we both answered at the same time


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