20. We tie until we die

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"Wait ... let's go!" said I, while Adrian and I watched Brian leave the house on his bike. 

We walked to the sliding door that Adrian knows so well and got into the house. 

"What am I supposed to do now?" he asked, walking up the stairs a few steps behind me.

"I don't know? Hang around?" I replied.

"Can I watch you put on makeup?" he asked.

"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders. 

I got my makeup out of my room and went into the bathroom to have better lighting. I'm so glad I brought green and yellow concealer!

"Why are you putting that yellow stuff on your face?" He asked, confused.

"Remember the color wheel? Opposite colors cancel each other out, and the opposite of purple is yellow. I don't want it to show through, so I put that on to balance out the purple tones, and now I can put on my foundation without it showing through." I explain as I blend the concealer.

"And the yellow won't show through?" 

"No. I can't explain exactly how, but I know it won't show through." I chuckled.

"Why does it look like you're not wearing makeup at all?" He asked.

"Cause I'm good at makeup. Let's go, we're supposed to go to the twins' house now." I said, pulling him out of the bathroom. 

"Right. Good thing your bike is already in the back of my car."

"Can you just move?" I asked as I hurried out of the house.

We got into his car and as soon as he started the engine, we sped to the twins' house. When we got there. I knocked on the door. Heather opened the door for us and let's in. She nodded towards the living room, which meant Ophelia and Brian were there, and we joined them shortly after.

"So...?" said Ophelia. 

"We're fine, aren't we, shorty?" He said, nudging my shoulder jokingly.

"Don't call me that, dumbass!"

"Oh, so you wanna start something?"

"I didn't start anything!"

"Yes, you did!"

"Fight me, bitch!"

"You'd love it if I touched you, wouldn't you?"

"Ew, no."

"You just told me to fight you!" 

"You're being annoying, just shut up." I said before looking to the twins and Brian on the couch who were watching us excitedly.

"God, I missed this!" said Heather.

I giggled at her words and joined them on the couch. Adrian stood there for a while with his phone before sitting down next to Brian. A few moments later, my phone went off. I picked it up and saw a message from Adrian. «"Ew, no." you're such a liar Bennet ;)» I looked at him, the bastard was smirking at me! I sent him a death stare before typing «Oh don't start McDaniels» and sending it off.

"We should definitely name our friend group! We need to prove to people that we tie until we die!" Ophelia suggested.

"Like what?" Heather asked, intrigued.

"Meme team." said Adrian jokingly.

"No, that's lame. How about Power Rangers!" suggested Brian.

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