6. Good idea? Maybe.

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A few days have passed. Well, more like two weeks and a little more, to be exact. It's June 17, the day I finally gave in to the twins' request and agreed to let them teach me how to surf. I have seen them and Adrian surf before, they seemed good, but I don't really understand much. About my relationship with them. The twins and I are getting closer by the day. They are the best friends I have ever had. Adrian and I used to fight all the time because HE keeps on being an asshole. I hate him. I really hate him. There's no better word to describe it. We have a hate-hate relationship. Me and Brian are fine. He's the golden boy he always was, but he's tanned now and I am, well, me. Tanned, too, of course. One thing I did not expect was little Aurora wanting to talk to me and hang out with me sometimes. How could I say no to this sweet girl? She's only ten years old, I could not. She loved it when I taught her how to write a journal. 

"Before you go to the beach with the twins, there's something I need to talk to you about," Brian said as I finished my breakfast. 

"What do you want Bri?" I asked with a mouthful of waffles he had made me.

"Come in!" He called out.

I turned my head to the sliding door that connected the inside of the house to our porch-like setup. Adrian was on his way inside. Please kill me now.

"What the fuck is McDaniels doing here?" 

"Calm the fuck down, okay. I'm not here for you."

"Like you'd ever be." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Can we get to the point? Having you two under the same roof is more dangerous than a fucking bomb." Brian scoffed.

"Well, the twins' birthday is coming up. We should do something for them." informed Adrian.  

"When is it?" I asked. 

"The 30th." He replied.

"Wow, that's soon." I gasped.

"Exactly. That's why we are talking about it, Cam." Explaind Brian and I once again rolled my eyes.

"Calm down Bri, for God's sake."

"Anyway, I have an idea, but I still need your help. Maybe we should decorate their backyard and have a pool party for them. We could invite a few more of our friends." Began Adrian sitting down on a chair in front of me.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." I agreed.

"I am not done yet. That would be during the afternoon. We'd order pizza for dinner and then we'd dress up to go to my speakeasy." He continued.

"You have a speakeasy?" I asked trying to hide the amusement in my voice.  

"I told you that you needed to go to his bar." Brian said.

"Yeah, I do. But you can't tell the twins the plan."

"Okay, and now you're telling me this because ...?" I asked confused while putting my plate in the sink.

"We need your help. I told Adrian that you love finding new hobbies, and maybe you could help decorate and pick out some outfits for them to wear to the speakeasy later." 

"What are you planning on doing Bri?" I asked crossing my arms. I hope he isn't planning on sitting around.

"The cake and most of the food."

"I think you should do a cupcake tasting. That way you could find out what they like best." I said wanting to try his amazing baking.

"That's a really good idea." Adrian agreed.

"I'll do it tomorrow then." 

"We have not decided on a theme yet, so I'll come back tonight so we can discuss it."

"Remember, the twins can't know." Brian repeated himslef.

"I got it, jeez! I can't stand being here anymore, I am going to get ready to go their house, Ophelia is going to lend me a surf suit and a board."

"Hope you fall." Adrian said with a happy tone in his voice.

"Hope you'd shut up." I replied walking away of that situation as quick as I could.


"I swear to God, if he starts hanging out at my house with Brian, I will literally die. He is so annoying! 'Hope you fall.' UGH ."

"I mean, just ignore him. It's not like you can just stop them from hanging out."  

"You know, The Lumineers here is right." Heather agreed.

"Oh, shut up Conan." Ophelia complained. 

"I'll never get tired of this!" I said with amusement.  

"Thank God there's a famous song called Heather now." 

"Oh c'mon Phea, it's a good song '...i whish i were Heather...'." Heather sung swinging her arms around softly.

"I am sick of you, Hezy."

"We still have to teach Cam how to surf. Let's go to the beach."

"Oh, right."

"Okay, let's go to the beach." 


The feeling of the hot sand between my toes. The smell of the salty ocean water. The strange suit I was wearing now. Was this a good idea? We have been warming up and doing exercises out of the water for a while. I am sweating already!

"Okay, so you have the basics now. Wanna go in the water?"

"Sure, why not." 

They turned their backs to me to go into the water. Before they could realize I was not following them, I crossed my heart before I grabbed the board and joined them. The feeling of the cold water on my feet made me realize what I was about to do. I had two possibilities: Either I would tame the sea, or it would tame me. 

I began to go deeper and deeper into the water as I stood on the board. We were not very deep in the water, but deep enough that I probably was not touching the sand at the bottom. They stopped and sat on the boards to explain a few more things to me before they started surfing and I did the same. While they did that, I looked over at my house, not really caring, until I saw Adrian and my brother on the balcony of my dad's room, each with a bottle of beer in their hands. Oh no. 

"If you catch the moment just right, if you have the perfect timing, the wave will take you on the ride of your life. Maybe that's why the surfer is so relaxed." I heard Ophelia say before she caught a wave.

I closed my eyes, letting the air rush in and out of my lungs a few times before opening my eyes again. I felt the perfect wave arrive, and let it get to me as I stood on the board and let it drive me down the wave before plunging into the water. The cold water that now surrounded me felt so soothing. I had tamed the sea for the first time. When I surfaced again, I was ready to celebrate the fact that I had done it! The twins were hysterical as I sat back down on the board. There was only one thing that kept me from celebrating with them. A pair of piercing eyes that stared at me from the distance. I looked back up at the balcony. Brian was nowhere to be found and Adrian was looking at me while sipping his beer. My mind shut down and let my body react for itself. I flipped him off. Even from this distance, I could see his cheesy smirk printed on his perfectly kissable lips that were pissing me the fuck off with the amount of shit that comes out of them. When I turned back to the twins to celebrate, I could still feel his gaze on me, but I did not care. He can go fuck himself. He's not going to ruin this moment!

Another summer romance?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ