15. Summer ahead

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"C'mon Adrian, let's go home!" said I, pulling him by the arm. 

"Whyyyyy?" he complained.

"My brother already took the twins home in your car and you're drunk off your ass." 

"Ugh, fine." 

I walked him home and we walked there. He's such a happy drunk. He was quietly singing this one song that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It's kind of cute if you ask me. 

"Um, do you know that... that girl... who got called up to dance? She's pretty and a good... good dancer." 

I smiled at what he just said, I don't think he recognizes me. He thinks I'm pretty...

"No, I have no idea who she is."

"What a shame." he said before continuing to sing the song. 

When we got to his door, I took his keys and opened the door. I helped him up the stairs so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself. He put his arm around my neck and I didn't put my arm around his waist. I laid him on the bed and took off his shoes. Then I went downstairs and got him a cup of water and an aspirin and went back upstairs to his room. I made him drink the cup of water before I went and refilled it for him in the morning. I put the cup and aspirin on his nightstand for him to drink in the morning. I was walking to the door when he started to say something.

"Hey Camilla?"

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to face him. 

"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me."

"I don't really hate you. I just find you annoying and apparently you like to piss me off." I began. "I care about you. Just like you cared about my safety the other day. At the end of the day, you're my friend."

"That's nice of you to say. I feel the same way." He chuckled.

"I need to go home now." I smiled.

"Can't you stay here with me tonight?"

"No, I'm sorry. My dad and Brian would freak out if I wasn't home in the morning."

"Can I text you in the morning instead?"


"Okay. Go home. I don't want Tom and Brian to worry."

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

"Can you text me when you get home?" he asked, straightening up to look at me.

"I literally live next door." I chuckled.

"Still, I just want to make sure you get home safely." He said.

"Fine, I will." I started to turn towards the door. "Go to sleep, you need it."

"Okay." He said and turned on his side. 

This wasn't how I imagined drunk Adrian behaving.

We're now halfway through July. My friends and I've become closer than ever. We meet up every day, we've been to the mainland together, we've gone on the twins' boat. We've been to the spot more, we've hung out at Forgotten Midnight a few times. We've also met up with Trish and Josh a few times. My relationship with Adrian is basically the same, but I feel closer to him since that night. Of course, he's still annoying and still pisses me the fuck off, but I've learned to be as annoying as possible to piss him off too. 

Talking about Dominic, we've been texting each other nonstop since that day. I haven't told my friends who it is but they know I'm talking to someone. He's really sweet and easy to talk to, he's also really funny. I really enjoy talking to him. 

"And where are you going? Your brother left a while ago." Adrian asked. He was outside washing his car when he saw me leave my house.

"Not that I owe you an explanation, but I'm going for a walk around the island. Alone." 

"Suit yourself."

"Bye." I said and walked away. 

I was enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful view when I heard something that didn't seem right. I turned around and saw this old man behind me. At first I didn't think much of it until I kept hearing his footsteps behind me. I took four rights in a row and he was still behind me. This guy is following me. I walked for a few more minutes and then I came across Cozy Corner. 

"Hey Camilla, what can I get you?" Asked Cindy.

"Just a bottle of water, please. There's some guy stalking me, can I hide in the bathroom while I call someone to come get me?"

"Of course, honey! Here, have your water."

"Thanks." I said, handing her the money to pay for it before heading into the bathroom. 

I called Brian, no answer. I called Heather, she picked up the phone, but I had forgotten that they couldn't come out of the store because their parents were on the mainland on business. Then I called Adrian...

"Hello?" He picked up the phone.

"Can you please come and pick me up?"

"Wait, you got lost?" He laughed.

"No, this creepy guy is stalking me." As soon as I said those words, he stopped laughing. He was silent for a moment before answering.

"Where are you?" 

"Cozy Corner."

"Don't move, I'm on my way." He said before hanging up the phone. 

I waited a few minutes before I got a text from Adrian. «I'm outside. »I came out of the bathroom and went to tell Cindy that he was here to pick me up and that I was safe now.

"I'm glad you're okay, honey. I'm so sorry this happened to you." 

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

After that conversation with Cindy, I hurried to Adrian's car.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"That's okay. That's what friends are for."

The ride home was silent. It's not an awkward silence, but it's weird that he's only quiet during the car rides when it's just the two of us. 

"What did the guy look like?" he asked.

"He was old, bald..."

"Sweaty and very poorly dressed?"

"Yes! How do you know?"

"That's creepy Carl. It's normal for him to do things like that. Nothing's happened to the girls yet, but we're hoping it won't."

"Yeah... poor girls though. That feels awful."

"I'm sure it does." he said looking over at me and showing me a small smile.

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