1. Before you go

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Someone once said that a little bit of summer is what the whole year is about. Is it really going to be worth it this year? I mean, I love summer vacations, but for all I know, this year will be different. 

"Did you get everything packed?" Brian, my twin brother, asked at the door to my room.

"Not yet. Have you?" I asked back.

"Yes, I did! What's taking you so long packing?" He asked, annoyed. 

"While you're making sure you have enough underwear, I have more things to worry about." I replied with the same annoyed tone. 

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway. Mom's waiting for you to have dinner." He informed me, leaving me alone again.

"I'll be right down." 

Brian, the perfect kid that every parent wishes was their son, every guy wants to be, and every girl wants to be with. The typical blond haired, blue eyed, popular football team captain. So annoying, I know. I finish gathering my skincare products, put them in my bed, and head downstairs for dinner.

"Camilla, finally!" My mom complained.

"Sorry mom, I was still packing." I feign an apology. Good thing I learned how to make it believable. 

"Your father called me. You won't be spending this year's vacation where you usually spend your summers. Apparently he got a raise and bought a summer house on an island." My mother informed us as we started eating. 

"Wait, what?" I asked, confused. When my parents divorced, about 8 years ago or so, my dad moved to Malibu while we stayed in our hometown. 

"An island sounds awesome! Are we flying there?" asked Brian excitedly.

"No, your dad is coming to pick you up and take you to the ferry." She replied.

I mean, I don't like the idea of going to new places. Doing new things is fine! Going to new places that I don't really want to go to so this is a no-no for me. But of course Brian is excited, he's the perfect kid and I'm the twin who has an 'attitude problem'. Brian and I look related, we both have the same shade of dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm just the 'evil twin' everyone we meet says. When we were kids, that bothered me a lot more than it does now. I used to despise anyone who mentioned it. Now I don't really like anyone.

After that little interaction, we continued our dinner and that too came to a quick end. When it was over, I went upstairs to finish packing my things. 

"Knock, knock." My mother said softly instead of knocking on the door.


"Do you need help?" 

"No, I'm almost done." 

"Are you excited to go to the island?" 

"Not really. You know I'm never excited about spending the summer outside. Not hanging out with my friends from here and stuff. You know." 

"I know, honey. But maybe you'll have fun too, you always do."

"Yeah, I'll take my books and my guitar and have a TV there."

"Your brother will be there too; you can hang out together and you'll probably make friends there."

"I'm not sure Mister Perfect wants to hang out with his troublemaker sister."

"Hey, don't say that, Cam!" he said as he walked past my door. "That's not true."

"Well, it depends." 

"Yeah, I can't talk to you when you're on your period."

"Okay, guys, that's enough. Cam please finish up quickly." My mom asked nicely.

"Will do." 

With that, my mom stepped away from the doorway and Brian walked down the stairs. I'm so glad I'm taking some books with me this summer. I mean, I love spending time at the beach and with my dad, but usually my dad works most of the summer and Brian is always the first to make friends. That leaves me alone in the house most of the time. I finished packing my suitcase, which was full of clothes, makeup, skincare, and other things. Now it's time to pack my backpack. I'll have the things I need to keep me entertained, like books, a few notebooks to doodle in, and some writing supplies like pens and pencils.
By the time I was done, it was only 10pm, so I didn't have much to do. I decided to tease Brian. Why not, right? 

"Hey dork. I'm bored out of my mind. What are you doing?"

"I'm not a dork!" he replied defensively.

"Mmhmm, and I'm Rudolph." I said wryly.

"You could have said that sooner! Do you want me to call Santa to come pick you up?" 

"Oh my god! You're such an idiot."

"You started it!"

"This time."

"Well, I didn't do anything until you came to answer your question." 

"If that's the case, I'll take another look at 'Outer Banks'."

"And you came here because ...?"

"I was bored and wanted to annoy you a little. I'll see your ugly face tomorrow."

"We're twins!" He said in a huff.

"Not identical twins, idiot. Bye." 

"Bitch." he whispered as I left his room.

"I HEARD THAT." I yelled from the hallway.

"GOOD!" he yelled back.

I walked into my room, which was right next to his room. I grabbed my computer, laid down on the bed and started watching "Outer Banks" again. It's a good show, don't judge me. I watched half of it before I realized it was time to go to sleep. It was 3am and for once I'm not sure what time we'll be leaving. It's already the first of June. Brian and I have graduated and will be leaving for college in September. This is also the last summer we have to do this, if we so choose. Next year I have a choice of how to spend the summer! That sounds so good right now.

After I decided to go to sleep, it didn't take long for me to  fall asleep. I'm going to miss my bed. Then I heard noises coming from downstairs. «What are they doing at 3 in the morning?», I thought before rolling over and looking at the clock that was on my nightstand. 9:30. Oh great!

A/N: Heyy guys! I'm finally back with a new story for you!! This one is a summer story. Do you want to know what will happen to Camilla and Brian during their time on the island? Who will they meet there? Keep up with 'Another summer romance?' to find the answers to your questions. Hope to see you along their journey. ;))

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