4. Beach day

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"Chameleon wake up." My brother shook me awake.

"What do you want little bitch?" I growled.

"Let's go to the beach! Dad's already gone."

"We'll go later!" 

"I'll make you pancakes if you get up now..." He bribed.

"Chocolate chip pancakes?" 


"Aight, get out of my sight, motherfucker! Get in the kitchen!" I ordered. 

"Fine, fine." I said and left my room. 

I got up and looked at the clock. 9 o'clock. For heaven's sake, what am I doing for chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. I put on sunscreen, then a black bikini, a pair of demin shorts, and some accessories. I got ready to eat downstairs before heading to the beach. 

"Just in time, Chameleon. I just finished them." He announced.

"Great little bitch! Let's eat!" 

He scoffed at me before we sat down to eat. He's lucky he loves to cook and I love to eat. He's a great cook and baker. However, if he asks though, I didn't say anything about it. We ate the delicious pancakes quickly. Not because he's a good baker, but because I have good taste in food and everything in general. We grabbed an umbrella and some towels and headed to the beach. I could say to our backyard, but that sounds too extra. The feeling of the hot sand on my feet and the salty smell of the water are incredible, I definitely missed that. We put our stuff down and laid on the towels for a while. Brian decided to dip his feet in the water to see how cold it was. While he was gone I was sunbathing, but suddenly I felt some dry and trampled sand on my stomach.

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident." Apologized an unfamiliar female voice.

I opened my eyes to find two almost identical girls. Twins. It must be so boring not being able to call your twin ugly because they have your face and you have theirs. 

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I said sweetly, wiping it off me.

"Wait, you're new here aren't you?" the other twin states. 

"Yeah, actually I arrived yesterday." I explained.

"OMG, this is so exciting! I'm Ophelia." Said the girl who had apologized to me earlier.

"And I'm Heather. Nice to meet you." The other added.

"I'm Camilla. Nice to meet you both." I introduced myself.

"You should definitely make friends with us!" stated Ophelia excitedly.

"Yes, I would love to!" I replied.

"Can we put our stuff next to yours?" Heather asked kindly.

"Yes, absolutely." 

"So who are you here with? I'm assuming you're not using both towels." Ophelia asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm here with my twin brother." I explained.

"How old are you two?" Heather asked.

"We're 18."

"OMG, so are we! I bet your brother and Adrian would be great friends!" 

"Who's Adrian?" I asked.

"Oh, he's our friend. We grew up here together." explained Heather as she sat down on her towel. 

"Speaking of, where is Adrian?" asked Ophelia.

"I have no idea." Heather replied. 

"Oh, he's right there." Ophelia pointed out.

They started calling out for this guy I've never seen before. While they were calling him, I noticed my brother was talking to the asshole from yesterday. He was probably swimming before, he's dripping wet again. God help me and don't make those two friends, please. Then the guy looked in the direction I was and they both started walking over here. Oh no. When they arrive, Brian introduces himself before sitting down on his towel. Ophelia and Heather also introduced themselves to Brian and then Heather took another towel out of her bag and handed it to the guy my brother arrived with. Oh no!

"Next time don't forget it, okay Monk?" Said Heather.

"Yes, Miss O'Brien. It won't happen again, I promise." He pretended to beg as he laid the towel on the sand and sat on it like the rest of us. 

"Camilla, this is Adrian. The guy we told you about." She introduced him.

"Nice to see you again, Camilla." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes as I decided to rude and also say someting. "I was hoping not to see you again!" I said excitedly, forging a fake smile on my lips.

"You two know each other?" Heather asked, confused.

"We met yesterday." Adrian replied.

"How?" Ophelia asked curiously.

"He threw a ball through my window." 

"Who said it was me?" 

"Are you saying Aurora did it?" I asked, not wanting to make a scene. "I personally doubt it." 

"Where's your room?" asked Ophelia, curious again.

"Her bedroom window faces mine." He replied carelessly. 

"Oh, this is going to be interesting." commented Heather. 

We talked for a couple of hours. Adrian kept on pissing me off, I guess he likes pissing me off. Well, that means war. Finally, Ophelia wanted to go swimming, so me, her and Heather went to the sea. I was so glad to be away from Adrian. He's so annoying! When I dipped my feet in the salty sea water I was surprised, the water was hotter than I expected. Of course it was colder than my feet because I had been in the sun for a while before I got in the water. It wasn't long before we were swimming in the ocean. When we got tired of it, the girls and I talked some more, I really like them! They decided to invite me to come hang out with them at the beach after lunch so we could get to know each other better. I agreed. I think it will be fun to spend some more time with them. Then we went back to the towels to get a little tan and dry our bikinis once it only takes a wipe with the towel to dry our skin. The guys were talking about something I wasn't really interested in, but I can still hear their voices. Suddenly, someone's phone started ringing.

"Hello?" Adrian answered.

I guess it was his phone. He talked for a while before hanging up and talking to us again. 

"Well, I have to go help my dad at the bar. I'll talk to you guys later." He said as a goodbye.

"Leonard really needs to hire a cleaning crew." Said Ophelia.

"I've tried to talk him into it. He refuses." He explained.

"I'll see you later." Brian said goodbye.

The twins also said their goodbyes before Adrian started to walk away. I guess he didn't expect a goodbye word from me. I can't blame him, I wasn't planning on saying anything anyway.

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