19. Make it or break it

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It's now three o'clock. I'm more anxious than I should be. I've touched up my makeup and sat in my room for a while. I scrolled through my phone, trying to calm my nerves. Half an hour later, it still seemed impossible to get rid of them, so I decided to take my bike and go for a ride around the island. Around 3:55, I decided to head to the spot. To be honest, I'm really glad this place is so hard to find. 

Well, you have to go through a certain part of a certain bush. The bush is huge so no one can see us, and once we're in, they can't see us either once we're in this huge bush that's has a hole at the top so we can actually see daylight. I walked my bike into the bush and sat on one of the logs we use as seats and waited. By this time it was already 4 o'clock. All I've to do now is wait. I waited and waited and around 4:40 I started crying again. Jeez, when did I become such a crybaby? I tried to hold it back, but I couldn't. Suddenly, I heard the bush move. Well, to be realistic, I heard someone moving the leaves of the bush. I wiped my tears and stood up.

"Sorry I'm late, I was hungry." said Adrian appearing through the bush and tossing me a paper bag. I felt the tears start to come again. 

I froze in place. I hadn't expected him to even show up now. I just stood there with the bag in my hand and watched as he sat down and opened the bag he'd kept for himself. When I finally zoned back in I sat down and looked in the bag, and all I saw was a chocolate glazed donut. 

"I'm here, now tell me what for." He said and looked me straight in the eye. His eyes were cold, very different from the warm look he always had before this whole thing happened. I took a bite of the donut before saying anything.

"I'm no longer seeing Dominic and I wanted you to know that." I said, looking down at the floor in front of me.

"Okay, good to know." He said unimpressed. 

I felt his piercing and now warmer gaze on my skin. It just made me realize how much I had missed him. When I gathered enough courage to look at him again, I did. "You have something on your face." He said and took another bite into his food. 

I felt my eyes widen. Maybe some of my foundation had fallen off from all the crying and the purple stain was now visible. Maybe he already knows I'm bruised and is just trying to pretend he doesn't. 

"Aren't you going to wipe it off?" He asked, giving me a strange look.

"Yeah, um, I just didn't expect you to come at all." I said and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see what I had on my face. 

It was just some chocolate. Thank goodness. But some of my makeup came off and it's very noticeable that I was crying. I wiped the chocolate off my face and started talking again.

"I know you felt betrayed by me because I was with him. I called you here to tell you first and foremost that I'm sorry and-"

"What's that?" I asked, looking at my cheek. 

I swallowed. Had I taken some of my makeup off while wiping the chocolate off? He stepped closer to me and began wiping some of my makeup off with a napkin he'd brought with him. The expression on his face was unrecognizable. I could see anger, but I didn't recognize the other emotions he had painted on his face.

"Who did this to you?" 


"So you're telling me you have no idea why you have three purple fingers on your right cheek?" 

"I-" I tried to say something, but my voice failed me, and the tears I struggled to hold back as my vision blurred to the ground in front of me and near his knee.

"It was him, wasn't it?" He asked angrily, putting his hand on my chin and moving it up so I was facing him. "That bastard!" He raised his voice and stood up. I quickly grabbed his arm and he looked at me in shock. Tears were running down my face again.

"Stay..." was the only thing I could say. 

He knelt back down and I sat down. Then he handed me the napkin.

"Take off the rest of your makeup. Please." 

I took the napkin and reached for my phone once more. I opened the front camera and used it as a mirror to remove my makeup. In doing so, I exposed the fourth purple finger just under my jaw, the thumb on my left cheek, and the purple stain on my chin connecting them. I'd stopped crying by the time all my makeup was gone from my face.

"Do you have any more of those?" he asked, referring to the marks. I nodded in agreement and took my arm off the sleeve of the sweatshirt, revealing the purple stained hand on my arm. Adrian looked horrified at the sight. 

"Don't be sorry." he began. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me."

"You're here now." said I, gently placing my hands on the back of his neck. "I have to be sorry for betraying you, Adrian. I shouldn't have done that." 

"It's okay. It doesn't matter now." 

"It does though." I said as a tear ran down my cheek. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb. 

"Fuck it." he said before placing his lips on mine. 

I didn't know I wanted this until it happened. The sweetness of his lips and the warmth of his tongue on mine. I don't want this moment to end, and when I feel him pull away, I don't let him, and our tongues fought for dominance until he wins and finally pulls away. We catch our breaths and take a moment to figure out what just happened. This just happened! Then he clears his throat and stands up.

"You should call Heather or Ophelia to tell Brian to go over to their house." He starts.

"So I can go home and put on makeup to cover this up." I finish. He nods in agreement and I reach for my phone to call Ophelia.

On the phone:

"Hey girl! Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, um are you with my brother?"

"No, why?" 

"Great. Can you do me a little favor please?"

"What is it?" 

"Can you invite Brian to come over to your place so I can go home and do my makeup? We can meet you there if you want." 

"Sure, why did you take it off?"

"I'll explain later."

"Okay, see you later."

"See you later, and thanks."

"No prob." She said before hanging up the phone.

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