3. Settling in

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We finished our lunch with a full stomach. I think my father said the food was from Tavern Tale. The food there is incredible, one hundred percent recommend. At 2pm my dad left for work, leaving me and Brian to get settled. We unpacked what we had. Of course, not without Brian nagging me. I put my skincare bag on a dresser that was in my room. 

"Can we go now?" Brian asked impatiently.

"We can see what's in the store and buy it later, I doubt that we fit a lot in the bike." 

"We'll take the backpacks. Anything we can't fit in there, we'll take with Dad or Dad's car later." He explained. 

"Aight, let's go." I relented and picked up my backpack. 

"Dad left us some money on the counter downstairs." 

"Awesome, let's go!" I said, running out of my room and into the kitchen to get the money. 

Unfortunately, he grabbed it first. I almost got to the garage first, but Mister Captain of the football team was faster. He picked out a bike, but apparently it was too low for him, so he adjusted it for a while before we finally left. We saw an old lady on the street and I sweetly asked her for directions to the nearest store, which luckily was Walmart. So we biked there and soon we were there. Inside we went our separate ways to find what we wanted. We met back up near the cashiers. We got checked out and biked back home. Each grabbed a bag and went to our rooms to finish decorating. When I was done, I decided to go over to his room to see what it was like. Messy, not as messy as his room at our mom's house, but still messy. I don't understand him. 

"Are you done too?" He asked when he saw me in the doorway.


"Do you want to come work out with me?"

"Maybe some other time. I want to relax today." I replied.

"Suit yourself, I'll see you later." 

"See you then." I waved goodbye as he walked past me.

I went back to my room and decided to read a few more pages in my book. I opened the window before grabbing my book and laying down on the bed. As I did so, I heard something. I looked down at the floor and found a small neon yellow ball. I know it wasn't here before. I picked it up and looked out the window. I saw a little girl; she was very cute. She had medium length black hair and probably blue eyes. Next to her was a guy, maybe my age, well built, muscular, with black hair and maybe blue eyes. They both looked at me.

"Who the hell are you?" the guy asked rudely. 

"I'm new here." I replied.

"No shit, Sherlock. That doesn't answer my question." He added.

"If you're such an ass, maybe your question doesn't deserve an answer," I quickly added after. 

"Can I have my ball back please?" The little girl asked innocently.

"Oh yes, sweetie. I'll give it to you. Give me a minute and I'll be right down." I politely granted. 

I quickly jogged down the stairs with the ball in my hand to give it to the little girl. I came out of the house and to the side to meet the little girl and the asshole I had just been talking to. I gave the ball to the little girl as she smiled. Her eyes a beautiful shade of blue. 

"Thank you so much, erm..." 

"Camilla." I complemented.

"I'm Aurora." 

"It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." She said. 

"Are you done?" The guy complained.

"Yes, Mr. Asshole. Buh-bye!" I said and walked away.

God, this guy is such an asshole. I hope I never see him again.

~A few hours later...~

My dad and Brian just got back from the store, I got a full body mirror so I can check my outfits and stuff since Brian decided to copy me and do the same. Not only that, but we got some snacks. I was setting up the mirror when I looked to the mirror that showed me through the window and into the window directly across from mine. Sure enough, I see the asshole from earlier, dripping wet and with a towel around his waist. Why does this asshole have to be hot? I wasn't staring, well kind of. When he looked out the window, I pretended not to see him and kept looking for a good spot for the mirror. I looked back and saw him smirking before closing the curtains. What an asshole move! 

I continued to mind my own business until I found the perfect spot for my mirror. Then I looked to see what Brian was doing. He was watching TV. I went to check on my dad and he was just finishing up dinner! My dad, or Chef Tom as he always calls himself when he cooks something that isn't a normal college student meal. I set the table for us to eat there when Dad finished cooking. Shortly after, he did and Brian came into the kitchen to eat. The food was fantastic and we had a great time eating dinner. After dinner, Brian cleared the table and Dad put the dishes in the washer. After that, we decided to pick a movie. I made popcorn while they picked out the movie. I'm not sure if that was a good idea, but we'll see.

"No! This movie sucks!" Brian yelled out.

"You suck! The movie is amazing!" My dad yelled back.

"Do I have to stop a stupid fight between a 48-year-old lawyer who acts like a middle schooler and an 18-year-old toddler?" I yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm not a toddler!" Brian yelled back.

"Then stop acting like one!"

At that, they immediately stopped yelling. They ended up choosing the first 'Bad Boys' movie. Not a bad choice if you ask me. 

I remember watching the first two movies, but I'm not sure if I fell asleep or what happened after that.

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