9. Cupcake trial

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"Why did you decide to do this today?" Ophelia asked Brian in amazement at the sight of the cupcakes. 

"I haven't made cupcakes in a while and I couldn't decide which ones to make, so I made them all." He explained.

"What're they made of?" Heather asked.

"I have red velvet, fudgy chocolate, carrot, vanilla, lemon with poppy seeds, caramel, orange velvet with nuts, and choc- hazelnut mud cakes." he said pointing to the different frostings as he named the cupcakes.

"Wow, that must've been a lot of work!" said Heather.

"You never get tired of doing what you love." He said, looking so proud of himself.

We tried all the cupcakes before Brian asked us to name our favorite. I hate it when he does that! It's always so hard to choose because they're all so good. But my favorite since he started baking has always been, and I mean ALWAYS, been lemon with poppy seeds. I've never tasted a more delicious lemon cupcake with poppy seeds than the ones this jerk makes. 

"You already know my answer, Bri." I said, leaning back in my chair.

I saw his face light up with amusement. "After all this time?" he asked me.

"I could say always, but I'm not Snape. But yes, after all this time." I said, smiling at him.

"I don't know what happened here and I don't care, but my vote goes to Red Velvet." Adrian said, sipping his cup of water.

"My vote goes to Fudgy Chocolate." said Ophelia before biting into another chocolate cupcake.

"My vote is reserved for Carrot. Forever and e'er!" said Heather proudly. 

"I didn't even know choc- hazelnut mud cakes existed." Adrian added.

"They were GOOD!" commented Ophelia. "They're my second favorite."

"The red velvet ones are my second fav. I don't care what you say." Heather said. 

"Hey kids! What's going on here?" my dad asked, closing the door behind him.

"We're having a cup cake trial or tasting. I don't really know what to call it." Explained my brother.

"He made your favorite cupcake!" I said, holding one up.

"Lemon with poppy seeds?" he said, hurrying over to the table.

"I really don't understand you two!" Brian chortled.

"What?" asked Ophelia curiously.

"When we were kids and I was starting to get into baking, one of the first cakes I tried was the lemon with poppy seeds ones. They both fell in love with it. Every time I felt like baking, they'd ask me to make them." Brian explained to her as my dad and I each took a bite of a lemon cupcake.

"Like father like daughter, I guess." Heather shrugged. 

"I'm going to take some of these upstairs to my study to finish up some paperwork." 

"I used your printer." 

"Okay, thanks for telling me that." 

After my dad went upstairs, we hung out for a while. We planned what to do tomorrow. Surprisingly, we came up with a lot of ideas. Surfing, hiking, having a picnic on the beach, playing volleyball and things like that. What're we gonna do? I've no idea. Do any of us know exactly what we're going to do tomorrow? No, not at all. Are we gonna hang out tomorrow? Absolutely! 

~ The next morning... ~ 

I woke up pretty early, by my standards. 9:00 a.m., impressive. I went downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee. I watched a random show that was on TV. I watched 2 episodes in a row when I heard the sliding door open. Please not again.

"Miss me already?" I said without taking my eyes off TV.

"Ha ha ha, very funny Bennet. Where's your brother?" Adrian replied.

"Asleep." I said and sipped my coffee.

"What are you drinking?" he asked as he sat down next to me.


We sat in silence for a moment. I was enjoying my moment when he finally got up and headed for the sliding door. "Tell your brother I was here looking for him." He said before leaving. 

At this point I should just call it the idiot's door. Well, i go through that door too sometimes, anymay. Right after I finished the third episode, Brian came down the stairs. I was eating one of the leftover cupcakes, red velvet to be exact. 

"Morning." He greeted me.

"Morning. Your bestie was here looking for you." 

"Oh yeah. I forgot. How long ago was that?" 

"About twenty minutes." 

"I'll give him a call."

"Have fun." 

*My phone starts ringing*

"Hey Phea, what's up?" I picked up the phone. 

"Can you come over to the store? My mom says she has a present for you. I didn't know you guys knew each other." She explained.

"Oh, I was there the other day looking at some stuff." 

"Okay, how soon can you get here?" 

"About ten minutes. I'll see ya soon." 

"See ya." She said before I hung up the phone and went upstairs to get dressed. 

I quickly threw on some jean shorts and a black tank top, along with a pair of trendy sunglasses, some necklaces, a few rings, and my Air Force 1's. I felt like I needed to grab something for the beach, so I grabbed my favorite tote bag and packed a black bikini inside along with a towel, my phone, and the book I'm currently reading. Downstairs, I grabbed my keys and left the house. A few minutes later I entered the store.

"Camilla honey! Come on, we've something for you." said Carol, walking towards me.

"Really? You didn't have to." I said.

"I know honey, but since you were so nice the last time you were here, and you're my daughters' friend, I decided to give you something." While she was saying that, Heather and Ophelia came out of the back of the store with a surfboard, a surfboard and what I think is a scraper, and something else. "Here, you've everything you need to go surfing with them, even some wax to put on the board." said Carol kindly.

"Oh my god! Carol, you didn't have to do that!" 

"I know, but I wanted to. Take it." 

"Are you sure?" I asked in shock.

"Yes honey, it's yours."

"Thank you so much! I don't even know what to say."

"It's okay. Now go have fun. You three." She commanded with a smile. "GO!"

We ran out and went straight to my house. I opened the garage door to store my new surfing gear. When I opened it, I saw my brother and my least favorite person working out. They were all sweaty. I mean, it would be weird if they weren't, but I've never seen Adrian like this, and if he wasn't some kind of crazy eye candy before, became so mush hotter when he was flexing his muscles. 

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