After all, she knew that if he had known all that, he would find some way to hold it against her, and having a person you loath, and you very magic couldn't stand, having something to hold against you wasn't a good thing. Especially when said person was just a few hairs short of going insane.

Promising to keep an eye on Shane, and keep him away from her, Harry turned away from the rather touching scene of the family reunion and instead began paying attention to the others of the group.

Swallowing heavily as she did so, trying not to think of the fact that she would never get that as her whole family, even little Teddy, were all died; and not in the way Rick had been assumed dead either.

It was by doing this, and suppressing her emotions the best she could, Harry saw that they were all watching Rick, Lori, and Carl. But none of them seemed to notice the glare hidden on Shane's face... wait no Harry had to correct herself there it seemed that Merle noticed it and had noticed that she had noticed as well because he was watching both her and Shane. Though his look when he was looking at her seemed to like he was trying to figure something out, instead of the untrusting look he was giving Shane.

Seeing this, and seeing that Daryl was still out hunting, Harry licked her lips nervous and headed over to where Merle was. Hoping like hell he wasn't still mad at her. Sure, she could take a punch, but it didn't mean she would welcome one or that she wouldn't curse him in retaliation for hitting her; others there be damned.

However, it seemed luck was on her side this time, or maybe on Merle side considering the curses she had been planning to use if he had hit her, because instead of striking out at her; like Harry had expected him to. He simple moved aside and handed her one of the nearby rabbits, that had been set aside to be skinned for dinner, by Daryl before he had gone out hunting for more; seeing as two rabbits weren't enough to feed the whole group.

Sighing at this, Harry took out one of her own blades and got to work on the rabbit, wondering mentally all the while how the others in the wizarding world would react to her if they saw her doing this. Harry was interrupted from her, rather hilarious mental images of how certain people would react to what she was doing, by Merle's voice.

"That hit back there, it's the only free hit you'll ever get on Merle. You hear me, girly boy. I was thinking on hitting you back for it, but old Merle had a time to think about it and maybe at the time you were right about knocking some sense into old Merle's head." Hear Merle stopped and rubbed his bruised still aching jaw, before continuing on.

"It was a good hit I give you that. Not only that but you were right about what you said, and I know if my brother was there, we would have been scrapping now for what I did. I know if it had been anyone else up there doing what I had been doing, then I would have done something like putting a bullet in their head for putting me and mine in danger."

Harry hearing the unspoken, and never would be spoken, thanks nodded her head before placing the skin of the rabbit she was working with beside the one Merle had set up. Only to freeze before she could go back to the rabbit as Merle continued speaking.

"But I got to say there is something odd about you. Something I saw when you were screaming at me and everyone else that just didn't make since. I don't know what but, whatever it was just gave me the feeling that you are hidden something from everyone. Something rather big at that."

Hearing this, Harry went wide eyes and was about to say something back when she was stop by what sounded like children screaming. Hearing this Harry dropped the rabbit she had been holding and took off running to where the screaming was coming from; Merle right at her heels as she did so.

They were soon joined in by the rest of the group and as they all reached where the screaming was coming from. They all saw that it was both Sophia and Carl that had been screaming. Having been both shocked and rightfully terrified by the sight of a Walker not far from the eating a deer.

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