Chapter 9

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer-I do not own Harry Potter or the Walking Dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them.

Chapter nine

Harry, after they had made it out of the CDC and said building had exploded, found herself in in the same truck she had been in when they had first arrived. Funnily enough, in the same sit she had been in as well. With Daryl right beside her and Merle once more driving; though from what Harry heard both Daryl and Merle would be switching out soon.

Only this time Harry wasn't working on sharpening her weapons like she had been the last time she was in the truck; no this time Harry was simply thinking to herself. However. none of her thoughts turned out to be simple in the least bit. Or where ones impossible for her to get out of her head, no matter how she had tried to.

Harry had been in danger, some serious danger just recently, and so had the ones she had cared about; even if it was just barley at this point. Even worse yet, she really hadn't been able to do a lot about it; unlike how she could most of the times with the Walkers.

This was because nearly everyone that had been there hadn't been aware she had magic at all, so she hadn't been able to really use it to help them. Or at least not as much as she had wanted to, she hadn't been able to. That wasn't something Harry really liked, and it wasn't a situation she really wanted to find herself in again.

This is why she was currently thinking. She wanted to inform the others about her magic, and some of the things that she could do with it, as a just in case. Mainly because if it came down to it, she wanted to be able to use her magic to be able to safe those she cared about; and to put the fear of her into those she didn't.

At the same time, she didn't want to inform some of the group about her magic, mainly because she knew that they wouldn't accept magic. Worst yet, she knew that they would somehow attempt to blame her for the hell that was going on around them.

Not to mention Harry could think of at least one of them that would blow everything way out of proportion; at least when it came to her and her magic. Hell, as long as it came to her, they would blow anything that happened with her out of proportion.

These weren't the only reasons Harry had on why she didn't want to tell the others about her magic she did have plenty more; and the prove in her past to show her why she should be so cautions about telling others about her magic. But, at the same time, even she would admit on her part, most of the reasons why she didn't want to tell the others were sort of petty. Especially when you consider just how her magic could be used to protect them.

As most of her reasons had boiled down to, simply because she didn't like a good deal of them and didn't want to waste even a drop of her magic on them.... unless it was to curse them that is. She just honestly didn't want to tell them about her magic.

Though a good chunk of her mind also told them that several of them wouldn't react well to magic in the least bit and would react the same or worse than her family, had done. Which was the other reason why she hadn't told them about her magic. And the thing that made it so she wasn't completely petty about not tell the others about her magic; as her safety was on the line in that regard.

Still, this did leave Harry in a predicament, she wanted to tell a few of the group about her magic, as a just in case, but she couldn't do so without the ones she didn't want finding out about her magic, doing just that; finding out.

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