Chapter 14

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter, or the Walking Dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them.

Chapter fourteen

Harry, seeing both the brothers in the clearing waiting for her to get back. And seeing that it looked like they did a little venting of their own if the dead bodies of the Walkers around them meant anything. Quickly adjusted the straps of her bags and the guns she now had on her, before with a raised an eyebrow, asked the both of them in her normally blunt way; her tone mildly curious as she did so.

"Okay, why are you two here? And why do you look so ticked off?" Harry even if she already had a good idea as to why they were there really wasn't prepared for the reaction her questions got her.

And at the same time Harry began to wonder if perhaps she was a little too used to having to do everything on her own as she saw how the two reacted to what she had just asked. Not to mention what they had to say to her what she had just said as well.

Because as soon as Harry had asked her questions both brothers shot up and had rather angry looks on their faces before they started speaking. What really got Harry, and made what they were saying really sink in, was the fact it was actually Daryl. Who was usually the calmest and quietest of the two brothers, was the one who looked to be the most upset and was the one who was actually doing most of the talking out of the two of them. Telling Harry, then and there, that she really had done something wrong if it was Daryl that was reaction like this.

"Where did you go? Do you realize just how worried we got when we found we couldn't find you? That we had to find out from, Rick and Glenn of all people, that you had decided to go on a supply run? By yourself at that! Then when we tried to catch up with you, you disappeared right in front of us and were gone for hours? And we had no idea just where you were? If you were okay or not?!"

Harry hearing this felt both her eyebrows raise up, and just as she was about to answer Daryl, Merle raised a hand to stop her and added his two cents in before she could. Acting more serious than Harry had ever really seen him be yet. Reminding Harry of the fact yes Merle had been in the Marines, and yes he could be very much a responsible adult; when he wanted to.

"Look, me and my brother aren't trying to say you need to inform us where you are at all times, or that you don't need a little alone time for yourself. No, everyone needs that at one point or another, but try to see it from our point of view for a second. You are one of the very few in this group that we actually get along with, and one of the few that from the very beginning wasn't disgusted or trying to get rid of us. Because of that, and the fact you pretty much saved my life up there on that roof, you earned our respect. You went even further than that and earn our...hell earned our friendship something I thought wouldn't have been impossible before I actually met ya. Then you went off somewhere, just after we had almost lost a member of our group to walkers and after a big fight with another member of the group. When you disappeared in front of us, we weren't sure if we were going to see ya again after that, we weren't sure you hadn't had enough and left for good or something like that."

Harry hearing this, and seeing the visible emotions on both brothers faces couldn't help but swallow a bit. She hated to admit it but right now, she had no idea what to say or do, but at the same time she knew she did have to do something. So, with that in mind, Harry asked both brothers.

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