Chapter 11

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer-I do not own Harry Potter or the Walking Dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them.

Chapter Eleven

They were all rushing over to the farm that Carl, Lori, Shane, and Rick were currently at. Every last single one of them, were on the edge of their seats and trying to get there as fast as they could.

All doing so, so they could all find out more about what happened to Carl. As each of them were worried about one of the children of their group; especially now that they knew the other one was now safe in her mother's arms.

Harry, herself, was currently worrying and thinking of all the different potion and spells that she could use to help Carl out. Even if she had to stun and erase the memory of everyone else in the room to do so, she would.

As Harry knew that she would do whatever she had to, to make sure Carl came out of this alive. Though given the fact that she had already let it slip out, a while ago, that she had some serious skills when it came to medical procedures Harry was really hoping that it didn't come down to that.

At the same time given how things had played out before with certain members of the group left Harry unsure about this. As even if the group knew she did have some medical skills she wouldn't put it past certain members of the group to give her a hard time with it; or anything else she may attempted to do for that matter.

Though just how she was going to let it all of this play out, was leaving her more than slightly confused. After all she really didn't want Carl himself to be in any pain or danger, but at the same time her potions, which would be the best thing to help him heal, would leave him healing too quickly and because of this there would be questions asked.

Maybe she could use a couple of illusion spells and have bandages around the wounds so no one could see just how quickly they all healed in the first place? And it wasn't like Carl couldn't use the extra bed rest even if his injuries were gone due to the potions.

That is if they left her actually heal Carl up, and rather she liked it or not Harry could totally see Lori protesting again letting her anywhere near her son; despite the skills she had. And it wouldn't because Lori didn't believe in her skills that she wouldn't let her near her son but because Lori didn't like her.

Mainly because Harry was one of the camp members that didn't bow down to her demands; not to mention constantly question or argued with the 'leader' of the group without fail. Which would stop Lori from letting Harry heal her son up like Harry wanted to; if only to be petty.

Which again had Harry debating the need to stun Lori and setting her somewhere far way; rather it was really necessary or not. Then again could she honestly blame Lori for being worried about her son, even when it was at her own convenience?

Shaking her head Harry tore herself out of her thought. She already knew that one way or another she was going to heal Carl up. Rather she had to do it in the dead of night, without his parent's permission, or after stunning everyone there. One way or another she was going to help that child. Even if it did mean she had to be around the headache inducing woman to do so.

At the same time, this incident was bringing up thoughts that had been bothering Harry for a while now. Thoughts on her magic, and how much easier everything would be if all the others knew about it as well. Hell, she had already done quite a lot secretly for the others with her magic, most recently using it to help find Sophia.

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