Chapter 10

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter, or the Walking Dead. Nor, do I make any money off of either one of them.

Chapter Ten

Harry, after she heard that Sophia had gone missing, felt her heart drop straight out of her chest; and begin to rest somewhere near her stomach. The sweet little girl that used to come to Harry for bedtime stories when she was scared and followed her around the camp when she had first arrived; acting like she was some kind of superhero, was now missing.

Harry knowing this began to feel guilty. Because with all that had been happening lately, and with how torn up her thoughts had gotten, she hadn't been paying as much attention to the children as she usually did. Hell, she hardly had been paying any attention to them whatsoever in the last day or so; which was something Harry found herself regretting immensely.

But no more, she had to find Sophia, and she could tell from just looking at them that both Daryl and Merle they felt the exact same way as she did. That's when one of Merle's earlier suggestions about how she could use her magic rang out in her head.

The location charm, she could use it to see just what direction Sophia had gone in. Which when you include the tracking skills that Merle and Daryl had, would make it just that much easier to find Sophia with.

This in mind Harry ran after Daryl and Merle, who had already started off to the forest to look for Sophia. Ignoring the sneering that Lori was doing at her back as she did so.

Apparently neither Lori, nor Shane saw any reason why they had to look for a little girl. It seemed both of them wanted to leave and find a safe place to stay instead. Even if Shane was really the only one who was being seriously vocal about this suggestion.

Fortunately, everyone, including Rick, was ignoring Shane and was instead either trying to help Carol or were making plans to find Sophia themselves. Though at the moment only Daryl Merle, and Harry were actually in the forest actively searching for Sophia.

What else was fortunate, at least where both Shane and Lori were concerned, was that neither one of them attempted to stop Daryl, Merle or Harry from going out to look for Sophia in the first place. Because if they had, anyone of those three would have broken them; in one way or another.

Harry once she caught up with the two brothers, and while making sure she wasn't getting in their way as they searched for a trail, she pulled out her wand and said in a clear, though low, tone that the brothers could clearly hear.

"Point me, Sophia." The two brothers hearing this watched as the wand in Harry's hand began to spin around wildly before stopping and pointing to the north through a section of trees nearby. Seeing this Harry told the two beside her.

"Sophia, is in that direction, that was a locating charm. As long as she is still alive and isn't in another country or too far away, I can find her with that charm...just like Merle suggested earlier when I asked about ways to help the others with magic."

After saying this Harry followed the two in the direction the wand had been pointing in. Still making sure to remain careful not to walk in front of them as she did so; least she accidently mess up some tracks they could follow to Sophia. After all she knew magic wasn't always the most exact and having a second way of solving things would always be a good thing to have.

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