Chapter 5

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or Walking dead. Nor do I make any money off of either one of them.

Chapter five

Well the trip to Atlanta to go get the guns had been a bust, pretty much from the get-go. Something Harry had figured would happen before they had even left the camping ground. What given both her luck, and the fact the group that went had no plan on what they were going to do or even of that matter work together to get any plans they did make work.

Ending up making it so that, in all honesty, from the beginning to the end it had gone from bad to worse right; with not much good in-between. From Glenn getting captured by another group of survivors, when they had first attempted to go get the guns.

Survivors which, if Harry was honest with herself, hadn't turn out to be that bad of group in the long run when everything was said and done. Just a rather desperate one, which considering just who they were trying to protect Harry could see why.

To losing some of their guns to the previously mentioned group. Even if they had been given willingly by Rick to said group in the first place. Something Merle and Daryl, weren't too happy about seeing as they didn't see the point in giving the group the guns.

Not to mention to those two is seemed more and more like they had gone out all this way for nothing. As at the very least they could have gotten at least a gun a piece or something like that from the bag in question; not just hand them all over.

Something that Harry felt a little guilt about, because she did have a lot of hidden weapons, she hadn't told the others about. Seeing as she had emptied out a weapon store or two before this whole thing had gone down.

All unknown to the others, mainly because they were hidden by her magic, and she had no real way to explain how she had them without revealing her magic in the first place; something she simply wasn't going to do. At least not at this point and time.

So, it was a guilt Harry was determined to ignore if only because she knew it wasn't safe to tell the others about her magic. Not yet, not until she was sure she could trust them.

Though when it came to that Harry knew that some of had already gotten her trust, or at the least her respect, and she was just waiting for the right time to tell them. After making sure they couldn't tell anyone else of course. Being too trusting was something Harry had long since learned against.

Then as it turned out, things hadn't gotten any better for them when they had gotten back to their camp. Because as it turns out Walkers had attacked the rest of the group while they were gone. With the group Harry had been with, only arriving at the end of the attack to stop any more deaths from occurring So, yes it had been a real hell of a trip; quite literally at that.

Though fortunately, in the walker attack at least, they hadn't lost a lot of members; so it could have been worse in that regard. As in the end of that attack they had only lost Ed. Which Harry was grateful for and watched with glee as Carol made sure he couldn't come back. Along with Jim, who Harry felt a little sad about, even if she never really spent much time around the guy.

So as bad as it was, and as sad as the rest of the group was with the death that had happened, Harry knew it could have gone a lot worse. Much more so, seeing as they also nearly lost Amy, and even Carol; who Merle saved at the last minute.

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