Chapter 4

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

A.n- I need help I really can't get the way Merle should be acting right. I guess it could be in this chapter he is trying to figure things out and that's why he is like this, but I have no idea how to have him act after and he wouldn't be Merle if he wasn't at least a little offense so any ideas?

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the walking dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them

Chapter four

Harry watched the scene in front of her with a little disbelieve visible on her face. They had managed to get out of the store and get out of Atlanta. They had even managed to finally make it back to the camp where the others were waiting.

Hell, Harry had even managed to grab the bags they had been getting supplies in as they ran out, so the whole trip wouldn't turn out to be a complete bust. Bag that everyone else had dropped or left behind earlier and hadn't thought to pick them back up in the panic of their escape.

An escape that went rather smoothly, as all it really took, was her to finally loose her temper, snapping at nearly everyone that had been in the group, to get them all too finally work together to make a plan of escape that would work.

A plan which luckily hadn't required Harry to inform the others of her magic to make work, and at the same time had got Glenn back a lot of her respect. Not to mention a little disbelieve when she found out he had been a pizza delivery guy with no military background. As she had believed he had to have been at least from a military background or family with everything he had been doing for everyone else.

Not to mention, now she didn't have an as negative view of Rick, that she had had before. She had even apologized for punching him in the first place. Something which was further helped by the fact that he did seem to generally regret cuffing Merle to the roof in the first place and didn't hold the fact she had punched him against her; at least right now it seemed he didn't.

Though that could be because of what was currently happening, more than anything else. Since, as soon as they had managed to get back to camp, and after they finally got the car alarm to stop blaring. They all found out that the Rick with them, was the Rick that had been husband to Lori, a father to Carl and a supposed brother figure to Shane. All of which had apparently believed him to be dead. This had led to a very emotional reunion among them.

Well, an emotion reunion between husband, wife, and son. Harry noticed that Shane actually looked to pretty upset about Rick coming back; if the glare he was giving him meant anything. Even if, Harry noticed Shane was trying to hide it when Rick or any of the others looked his way.

Harry was used to watching, used to observing other and catching a lot of the things that most people missed. So, she could tell with just the look on Shane's face when he saw Lori hugging her husband. That there was going to be trouble soon.

How much exactly Harry wasn't sure about, as she didn't know just how bad Shane could get when he lost it, but she did know one thing for sure. Which was that she hadn't like Shane in the least bit before this all happened, and she got the feeling she was going to outright loath him real soon.

Which again, made Harry happy that she had managed to hide the fact she was female, the fact she was a powerful witch, and the fact she had a safe house that no one but her had accessibility to from him. As well as quite a few other members of the group he had been the leader of.

Does it really matter?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin