Chapter 7

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the Walking Dead. Nor do I make any money off of either one of them.

Chapter Seven

Harry had to back her grin at the stupefied look on Daryl's face, as well as, the slightly stunned look on Merle's. Even if his look was mostly cover due to the amusement Merle was having at his brother's predicament.

It was moments like this that made Harry really glade she was pretending to be male in the first place. Well, that and simply not wanting to have to deal with the bullshit looking female would cause in the long run that is.

Harry then watched as Daryl fought back the blush he had on his face, succeeding with at least most of it, leaving only the lightest of blush still on his face. Once he did this Daryl turned and punched his brother hard in the shoulder, for laughing at him in the first place, before turning to Harry and asking her.

"So, why are you making everyone think you're a boy?"

Harry hearing this question couldn't help but snort, in what most would consider being an unlady like fashion, but Harry didn't give a damn what they thought, before answering the question.

"First, I have to say when I ran into your group to begin with, I really wasn't trying to pass off as a male. In fact, I didn't have the chest bindings on, or even a heavy jacket that I do now. Actually, now that I think about it, to begin with I was quite a bit insulted to be considered male. My chest isn't that small, and I don't look that masculine to begin with. I only added those things later to help with the act."

Here Harry raised her eyebrow at the two brothers as she said this, and the two brothers had to agree with what she had just said. Honestly without the chest binding, or the jacket she normal wore, the two could see no way how she could have been mistake as male; at least not by them.

"Then again, you and your brother where out hunting and didn't really see me until I did start wearing those things.... along with the choke collar to help hide the lack of Adams apple. So, with you two it could be understandable why you assumed I was male; by than everyone else was calling me male. So, you had no reason to believe otherwise." There was a pause and shrug before continuing what she had been saying.

"Anyway, when I had first stumbled upon your camp the very first people I had run into had been Lori and Shane. Which given how unobservant one of them is, and how stuck up the other's ass the other is. Could explain why I had been mistaken as male to begin with...I guess. Though it really hadn't been a pleasant first meeting to begin with. " This was said with a small sneer of disgust as Harry recalled her first meeting, a sneer that turned rather amused as she continued.

"Now, I am not sure if the others told you this, but when Shane first met me, he tried to demand I hand over my weapons, and any other supplies I had. Well, like any other sane being out there, I of course refused to give them to him. Of course, Mr. Temper didn't take this too well and attempted to take them by force." Here Harry paused and the amused look she had, turned to a rather sinister grin, before starting up again.

"It didn't work; I flipped him on his back and had by boot on his throat before he could even touch me. It was here where the idea of pretending to pass of as a boy really started off. You see after I did that to Shane, and had put the fear of well... me into him, Lori started going into me about how a LAD shouldn't do that, and how a BOY like me should show Shane the proper respect he deserved. And how a BOY, like me shouldn't have so many weapons, and that if I was a proper GENTALMAN that I would share the supplies I had..." Here Harry snorted to herself as she added on.

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