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The story left behind coldly
Every moment of that time is vivid to me
In the fairytale-like time
I am filled with the fear of being left alone
The heart that stopped, now I’m trying to let go
So I can find the lost times

The feelings you used to pass to me
Now I will contain you
Throbbing heart, aching memories
I will embrace them so they can all be erased

Like this, I meet you again
And find you, who’s from the time that I erased
Past the painful time
I catch you
I still live in your time

In case you’re still hurting
In case you’re still waiting for me
Still, I cannot erase it
I still linger around there

Forevermore I cry

(In Your Time-Lee Suhyun)


"I want to sleep...for a bit...", Sooji turns to look at her doctor. But she can only see Shihyun's face. Looking at her worriedly.

"You look worn should rest...", his voice echoes in her head.

"Miss Sooji...", her doctor calls her name. Surprise that she finally talked after a month of silence. Sooji refused to talk to anyone since she woke up from her comma.

Sooji smiles weakly when Shihyun's face fades away. "Can you prescribe me some sleeping pills..."

The doctor nods. Maybe she just really needs a good night's sleep.


Sooji opens her eyes. Sejoo already fell asleep on the couch. She gets up. And took the sleeping pill that was prescribed by her doctor.

"Let's never see each other again..."

She pours more than five pills into her hand. And swallow it in one gulp. "I need to disappear...", Sooji mumbles. She glances at Seejo's car key on the table. She takes the key without thinking and walks out of the room. "I just need to drive as far as I could...", she said to herself.

Sooji doesn't know-how. But she's already on the highway. Driving alone. In the middle of the night. Her eyes start to feel heavy from sleep. She needs to drive faster. She steps on the accelerator. Faster Choi Sooji. She gives up and closes her eyes. She can hear a loud honking before her car crashed into something. It was fast, she can only remember the pain. She feels pain in every inch of her body.

"Friendship between us...that doesn't exist anymore..."

The last Shihyun's words that echo in her head before she went into oblivion.


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